Big Burns Night Quiz

Well, what can I say, another amazing turnout for our Quiz tonight, I hope everyone who was on had as many laughs as we did! Thank you so much for joining us and for donating towards the Kids outdoor learning resources (still time to donate on parentpay if you wish, anything is gratefully received by the kids)

A huge congratulations to the Burns Poetry Winner Elise from P1M
All of the overall winners were amazing and it was such a hard decision on who to vote for final winner!

Congratulations to
1st Prize Winner: Cool Cats
2nd Prize Winner: The Kelpies…could you please contact Cairns Cakes to arrange your prize.
3rd was actually my own wee family TeamBoyd 😁

I just love how in these times we can still come together as a community and have some fun all while trying to raise money for things the kids would like, certainly brightened up my Friday night 😁

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