Here is an example for this week’s P4EL maths homework using a Mild challenge example:
A small slip with these instructions are stuck into pupils’ jotters.
Many thanks
Miss Ellis
Here is an example for this week’s P4EL maths homework using a Mild challenge example:
A small slip with these instructions are stuck into pupils’ jotters.
Many thanks
Miss Ellis
Happy Monday P4 parents!
Homework is slightly different this week as we have the holiday weekend starting on Friday. Therefore, homework will be issued today, but won’t be due back until Friday 27th of September.
Thanks for your help and support.
P4 teachers
To celebrate Roald Dahl’s birthday P4EL explored literacy and maths using his work as inspiration.
We revised nouns using ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’. Pupils identified what things George put in his ‘marvellous medicine’. Pupils had a lot of fun adding in their own ideas too.
In maths pupils worked on solving word problems based on Roald Dahl’s characters and stories. They could choose the mild, hot or extra hot challenge.
Happy Monday everyone, here is your homework for this week…
Thanks again from all the P4 teachers.
P4 have been experiencing the wonderful world of the orchestra and classical music.
They have been learning the instrument families and some of the individual instruments.
This week’s classical music was Carnival of the Animals – pupils listened to some of the pieces and had to guess which animal it was based on by using clues in the music. As time went on pupils were able to describe the rhythm, pitch and volume of the music in relation to animals.
P4 pupils have been learning the difference between having a Growth Mindset and a Fixed Mindset. We have learned the importance of the word “Yet”. We now say “I can’t do it yet,” instead of just giving up.
We tried out some challenges during Health and Wellbeing. We had to stay determined and try again.
We played ‘Beat the Buzzer’. It was so tricky but we had fun.
We worked hard to draw and write with the hand we least use.
We became all tangled during Twister.
We had to have determination and resilience as we built a cup tower.
Some of us made a new pathway and can now tie shoe laces.
Finally, we tried to answer as many questions as possible in one minute in the game ‘Hit the Button’.
Well done to everyone!!
It’s that time of year again when we start homework. At the moment we will be concentrating on our spelling and phonics. The children have all had what we expect of them for homework explained clearly, but everyone forgets things, so the P4 teachers thought it would be handy to explain to parents and carers too, so there is no confusion.
This week RAINBOW WRITING and TOUCH WRITING (children draw out the word on your hand or back).
Bug Club books will also be allocated to each child and at least one should be completed every week.
Maths homework will be given as and when appropriate.
Thank you very much for your help and support.
Mrs Easter, Miss Ellis, Mrs Klein and Mrs Williams
After nearly finishing the first 2 weeks of the new term at Onthank, we are now settling into a routine.
Our class topic is Ancient Egyptians.
We have P.E on Monday’s and Thursday’s.
It is East Ayrshire policy to not allow any jewellery to be worn at gym times and unfortunately we are not able or permitted to cover pierced ears with tape. Any child unable to remove their earring on gym days will have to sit out at the side until they can remove their earrings.
Mrs Easter
Jumping for joy during the P4 trip the Culzean Country Park! We did mini beast hunt with the Rangers , had a relaxing lunch on the castle lawn and finally we had a chance to visit the beach. The kids were on top form and had a wonderful day!
We had a glorious day at Culzean today.
Bug hunting, woods walking, lunch munching and seaside paddling. We couldn’t have asked for a better summer day out.
Thank you to our parent helpers for making the day so special.