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Talking and Listening in P4EL

Learners were exploring the Ancient Egyptian hierarchy and โ€˜social triangleโ€™.

Pupils learned about some of the jobs such as viziers, craftsmen and scribes and how they were sorted based their importance.

At the end of our lesson pupils were asked whether they agreed with the social pyramid and were told to change the order if they wished. The children gave fabulous responses to explain their new order and made it clear that the slaves and farmers did not deserve to be so low in the order. Many pupils were vocal about how the pharaohs and viziers were too mean and made bad decisions.

P4 Homework Week Beginning Monday 7th October

Homework is due in on Friday 11th October.

* Copy words 2 more times using LSCWC
* Write 3 sentences using at least 3 of your spelling words.
* Active spelling activities โ€“ โ€˜Alphabetical Order’ andย ‘Backwards Words’
*ย Alphabetical Order – write your words using the first or second letter in alphabetical order.
*ย Backwards Words – write each word backwards eg. fluteย = etulf
* Bug Club books will be updated. Try to read at least 1 book per week. Test yourself by answering the various
questions related to your book. We want to be comprehension superstars!! Similar styles of questions are used in

Last homework before the holidays…

P4 EL Maths week activities

P4 have been exploring 3D shapes (in real life and their properties) and number sense (1/10 more and less) this week. We have completed lots of activities and had enthusiastic discussions about our learning.



Marvellous Monday! Hope you all have a great week!

Homework is due in on Friday 4th October.

* Copy words 2 more times using LSCWC
* Write 3 sentences using at least 3 of your spelling words.
* Active spelling activities – ‘Blue Vowels’ and ‘Fancy Writing’.
* Blue Vowels – Write out your spelling words but draw a blue circle around all vowels.
* Fancy Writing – How many different styles of writing can you use to write your words?
* Bug Club books will be updated. Try to read at least 1 book per week. Test yourself by answering the various
questions related to your book. We want to be comprehension superstars!! Similar styles of questions are used in


P4 Paper group create music!

P4 Paper group had lots of fun creating their own music today.

Following on from their exploration of Carnival of the Animals pupils were to choose an animal and then create music using percussion instruments.ย  The audience then had to guess which animals they were describing.

Videos of the performances will hopefully be uploaded soon.

During our first lesson in music many weeks agoย some pupils felt a little unsure and nervous about the idea of learning music.ย  However they showed great enjoyment and had a sense of achievement as they learned how to play some new instruments and performed in front of an audience.ย  Well done!


P4 ‘Rock’ up to the Dick Institute for The Wonderful World of Wacky Walliams

The P4 Rock group visited the Dick Institute yesterday to participate in workshops relating to David Walliams.ย  Pupils had an excellent time and a great learning experience.

Pupils also had the opportunity to use iMovie to create trailers based on titles similar to David Walliams.ย  The wonderful staff will send us these trailers so we can watch them on the big screen!

We’d like to say thank you to the staff at the Dick Institute for a super day. ๐Ÿ™‚

Discovering Ancient Egypt Family Day

/The Baird Institute in Cumnockย are running aย  free Family Day on Saturday September 28th 2019. Where you and your family will be able to discover more about Ancient Egyptians. The family fun session is running from 1pm-3pm and admission is free.

To find out more information copy and paste the link below: