We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and managed to enjoy welcoming in the New Year. Although this is not the start to the year we would have wished for and it will be challenging at times, try not to worry we will be here for you.
Online learning will start on Monday 11th January via Teams. The following link is a guide to access this platform.
All children are familiar with Teams as we have used it regularly in class and many have completed homework assignments in term 1 and 2.
Everyone should have user names and passwords that look like this gw__________________@glow.sch.uk. If you are having trouble to login and need passwords reset please email your teacher using the following email address. We will also be using Bug Club so it might be an idea to check this password still works too.
On Monday we will post a timetable to show what will be covered throughout the week and each day the children will receive 3 new assignments to complete.