It’s that time of year again when we start homework. At the moment we will be concentrating on our spelling and phonics. The children have all had what we expect of them for homework explained clearly, but everyone forgets things, so the P4 teachers thought it would beย handy to explain to parents and carers too, so there is no confusion.
- Children will copy their own spelling words in class – these have to be copied using Look Say Cover Write and Check (LSCWC) 2 more times.
- Then children are expected to write 3 sentences using at least 3 words.
- Two active spelling activities should be completed…
This week RAINBOW WRITING and TOUCH WRITING (children draw out the word on your hand or back).
Bug Club books will also be allocated to each child and at least one should be completed every week.
Maths homework will be given as and when appropriate.
- Homework will be issued on a Monday and we expect it to be back in on a Friday.
Thank you very much for your help and support.
Mrs Easter, Miss Ellis, Mrs Klein and Mrs Williams
Hi can you send home bug club sign on
It is the exact same as his log in last year, the school code is kg9j Evan’s user name will be ‘evan’, his password I think is ‘password’