We hope you all had a good Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. 

We very much wish we could be with you in class but for the time being, we will do our very best to give you a positive learning experience online.

Each day you will be given a number of activities to choose from. These will include a class check-in, literacy, numeracy and other curricular areas. You will be able to submit any work using Assignments.  Assignments are private and only you and your teacher will see what you ‘hand in’.

Every Monday you will be allocated a Focus Bug Club Book along with your group readers. We are asking that the Focus book be completed by Thursday so you can do any related activities planned for Fridays.  If you have any problems logging into your account, please let us know.

We know that this is a challenging time for families so we encourage you to do what you can, when you can.   

Remember to tag us, for example, @Mrs Klein, as this will send a notification to us.  We may not be able to reply to you immediately, as we are working in school on a rota basis, but we will get back to you as soon as we can!   

Thank you from the P4 Team ~

Mrs Klein, Miss Ellis, Miss Binnie, Mrs McCall and Mrs Williams


Here’s a reminder of our email addresses:






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