Term 4

Term 4 

This morning the Primary 3 teachers had a meeting to plan Term 4 and it was lovely to see each others smiling faces but we miss all yours so much, as always send us your news and photos by email or on TEAMS.  Some parents have asked how to structure each day and what should be focused on so we will put together a timetable should you wish to follow it but please remember this is only a guide. If you were happy with what you were doing before the holidays it is absolutely fine to carry on that way whatever suits your family best.

There will be a few new tabs opening on our P3 Blog this week  –

French, Health and Well being and our new topic The Vikings.

We would also like to welcome Mrs McPhail and Mrs Nelson who most of you already know to Team P3 to cover Mrs Smith’s maternity leave.


Miss Hamilton had vanished before I remembered to take the photo.

5 thoughts on “Term 4”

  1. Hi, this looks like a great few weeks ahead with some exciting topics. Looking forward to learning alongside the kids!
    And thank you for your structure guidance, much appreciated.
    Ps I think Miss Hamilton knew the photo was coming lol!!!

  2. Lovely to ‘see’ you all! We are looking forward to learning all about vikings! I am also a little bit excited for French (I have been learning myself French so that should be interesting between the 2 of us haha
    Hope you all had a nice holiday, at least the weather has been nice!

    1. So glad for the sunshine so that my own children can run off some steam in the garden! We’ve been enjoying picnic lunches!
      Glad you’re looking forward to some French, I’ll try my best to come up with some nice activities 😊

    1. I absolutely love history and I’ve been looking forward to the Vikings topic all year! I am sure this topic will suit you well Max.

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