90’s memorabilia

We have loved studying the 1990’s. We have learned about music from this decade, popular toys, films, fashion, sporting achievements and much more!

Thanks to all the parents and carers who shared experiences with the children about growing up in the 90’s. We loved looking at some memorabilia too.

Mrs Saxelby was a huge ‘New Kids On The Block’ fan…probably their biggest fan!! She allowed Shaw to show the class some NKOTB memories…

Mollie told us that her Dad met Mr Blobby. He had a photo taken with Mr Blobby and had his face painted like Mr Blobby.

Other memorabilia included a Roger Rabbit toy belonging to Jaxon’s Dad as well as a games console. Ellie brought in a shark tooth which her Dad loved as he grew up in the 90’s and Owen showed us various music CDs.

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