The Primary Two teachers have been busy bees and working very hard all last week to try and get everyone logged into their Bug Club from home and finding all the home learning activities on Glow. It has been a huge task but you’ll be pleased to know that we’ve also been extra busy creating some personalised videos for you because we’ve got lots of ideas to show you and we missed talking with you.

Now it’s your turn to show off your hard work! 

This week you’ll need:
Determination & Growth Mindset – when you’re asked to sit and do a job, get going and get it done. When it’s a little bit hard, take a short break then get stuck back in, ask for help if you need to.
You’ve got this, we do it in class!
The internet
Paper and something to write with
Coloured pencils or pens
Clothes/trainers for exercising in
A big smile on your face
If you need anything to write on or write with, then remember that there are supplies that you can collect in the school foyer during school hours. Take what you need from the Primary Two tray.
This week there are 12 activities to complete and you’ll learn about/revise:
The new joined phoneme sound “ay”
Writing about a famous Disney character
Place Value
Scottish story and language
Scottish poetry
Keeping healthy with exercise
Kindness and sharing
Have a think about all the work we have been doing in Primary 2. We’ve already learned and remembered a lot!
This week there will be a Learning Grid again. Links to the relevant work will be below the Learning Grid and are presented in an exciting new format!
The teachers have been working very hard to learn new skills so that we can help you to learn from home. If we can we’d like to get the chance to actually speak to you. More details to follow.
You’ll also notice that for some activities there’s a bit of a spicy challenge! In school it’s called the Chilli Challenge. Just like real chilli peppers, some taste fine because they’re MILD to eat, some are a little bit hotter because they’re SPICY to eat so you need to take your time and think about what you’re doing and finally when you’re good at eating MILD and SPICY chillies and you think you can take a HOT chilli then that means you’re up for a bit of a challenge. You may need a bit of help but this is the trickiest chilli pepper to eat. Try each of the chilli activity suggestions if you think you can manage them. You don’t need to do the HOT chilli activities but if you think you might like a challenge then give it a go! 

Links that will take you to files and pages on the internet you need will be written BELOW THE LEARNING GRID on the MAIN PAGE so just keep scrolling down and click on the ones you need.
Please do your activities at any point of the week, in any order and be sure to send your teacher an email with photographs of your efforts.
We loved reading your emails kids! Keep them coming!
Learning Grid WB 18.01.21
PDF LINK format: Will open on any machine.
CLICK HERE: Learning Grid WB18.01.21
MS PowerPoint LINK format:
CLICK HERE: Learning Grid WB18.01.21
Grid Links
LINK 1 LITERACY – Sway Presentation – Mrs Easter
LINK 2 LITERACY – Sway Presentation – Miss Baillie
LINK 3 NUMERACY – Sway Presentation – Mrs Kidd
LINK 4 NUMERACY – ICT Games website – Mrs Kidd
LINK 5 TOPIC/IDL – Sway Presentation – Mrs Saxelby
LINK 6 TOPIC/IDL – Sway Presentation – Mrs Saxelby
LINK 7 HEALTH & WELLBEING – Sway Presentation – Miss Telford
Mr McIlwraith has uploaded the Our Onthank Online Challenge of the week.
Please email your photos from the following activity to Miss Muir in the office.
All emails should be sent to Miss Muir by
12pm on Friday 22nd January 2021.
Remember to email us your Learning Grid work. We can’t wait to see lots of great effort from you all!