We hope you have all had a wonderful holiday and enjoyed getting out into the fresh air with this nicer weather we’ve had.
This is the final term of Primary 2 and we will have lots of lovely activities and even more things for us to learn before we start our Summer holidays.
This week, because we are just back from our Easter holiday, the teachers would like you to use your time at home after school to catch up on any Bug Club books or maths games that you didn’t get round to before. We would also like you to think about all the joined phonemes (oi, aw, ue {oo} , ow {snow}, ea {leaf} ay) and number skills that have been issued for homework last term.
Work with your Homework Buddy to test yourself to try and write some spelling words in your jotter.
Listen to your Homework Buddy read out some simple sentences with common words and spelling words and write them into your jotter.
What do you like to write stories about? If you’d like a challenge, pick a topic to write a short story for your teacher to read and enjoy.
Work with your Homework Buddy to count. Can you count up in 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s to 100? Can you count down in 1s, 2, 5s, 10s from 100 to 0? Can you start at any number and do both of these things?
Revise how to make two-digit numbers. You should know calculations like 10 + 4 makes 14. How many different numbers can you make? If you are feeling confident, you can challenge yourself to do this for three-digit numbers.
Revise adding within 20. Which strategy did you use? Again, if you’re feeling confident you can go beyond 20.
Try these activities out, even if you just speak them through with your Homework Buddy, and you’ll realise that you remember a lot! We can use all of this learning to help us with our work this term.
Keep trying hard! We can’t wait to welcome you all back and hope you are all feeling fresh and ready for our learning in school.