World Book Day takes place on Thursday 3rd March 2022 and this year is the 25th Anniversary.
All children are welcome to dress up as their favourite book character or wear their pyjamas ready to hear a story. 📚
Please see the link above regarding registering for a place at an Early Childhood Centre.
⭐️ 3 Year Olds ⭐️
If your child was born between 1st March 2019 & August 2019, they will be eligible to start August 2022.
If your child was born between 1st August 2019 & 29th February 2020, they will be eligible to start the month after their 3rd Birthday.
⭐️ 4 Year Olds ⭐️
If your child was born between 1st March 2018 & 29th February 2019, your child is eligible to start August 2022.
Please note…..
Children who currently attend Onthank Early Childhood Centre do not need to re-register as you have already submitted your choice of model for August 2022.
The February Holiday is upon us….
🌟 The centre will be closed to all term time children on Friday 11th and Monday 14th February 2022.
(Term Time = all children who attend between 8.40am – 3pm)
🌟 Tuesday 15th February is a whole staff in-service day and therefore the centre will be closed to ALL children.
🌟 The centre will re-open on Wednesday 16th February.
If you are unsure about your child’s pattern of attendance, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff.
Well Done to the Garden Bubble who used their creative imaginations to create this fabulous house out of cardboard boxes.
The children discussed what aspects of a house they needed…..they planned, designed and constructed the house as part of a team.
It even has been decorated inside with wallpaper.
Keep an eye out for their next creation coming soon. 🌟🌟🌟
🌿Outdoor Learning 🌿
Can we please remind all Parents/Carers to provide waterproof clothing and wellington’s DAILY for your child as the children are outdoors everyday and in all weathers.
It is Scottish Government Guidance that children are outdoors daily and children will require a change of clothes daily in their bag (including socks please).
We do not have the availability of outdoors suits unfortunately due to covid restrictions.
Thank You.
We would like to make everyone aware that our normal operating hours of 8am – 6pm resume as of Monday 17th January.
Thank you to everyone that has been affected by the reduced service and we appreciate the continual support from our families.
Have a lovely weekend everyone. ☺️
Yesterday the Butterflies had a special visitor. 🕷
Maggs brought in her Christmas Present which was a Peruvian Dwarf Red-Leg Tarantula called ‘Itsy’.
Itsy came to visit the children who have recently shown an interest in developing their knowledge of insects and arachnids.
Itsy still has a lot of growing to do so Maggs will update the children as Itsy develops.
‼️Parent/Carer Information‼️
We will be maintaining the reduced service into next week as stated below due to staff availability.
Please remember that “9am-3pm” are those children who arrive between 8.40am & 9am and those drop off/collection times have not changed.
Thank you for being patient during this time.