If you find yourself having a clear out anytime soon, we would greatly appreciate any donations of socks for our changing rooms.
Thank You 🙂
Can we please ask that parents/carers be extremely mindful and NOT to send your child into the centre with any lunch or snacks in their bag with nuts in them due to nut allergies we have within the centre.
This includes any chocolate spreads as these can contain nuts.
Thank you for your co-operation.
🔴We are excited to welcome back all of our returning children and those children who are new to the centre this coming week.
🟢Below is a little reminder of the session times. We implement staggered start and finish times to ensure we do not have overcrowding at drop off/pick up times.
🟡Please adhere to your child’s allocated drop off/pick up time. The Managment Team will stand at the front door (and with a visual) and call forward groups to enter the building at the correct time.
🔵Please also refer to previous emails issued regarding those children who are new to the centre and the dates/times allocated to build up to their full session as part of our transition policy.
🟣Please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff or call into the centre if you have any questions.
Thank you to everyone recently for the kind donations of children’s clothing, toys, books etc.
We have now reach capacity for any further donations of such items but greatly appreciate all those which have been handed in. If this ever changes we will let you know.
If anyone would ever like to donate, we are continuously looking for donations of baby wipes and tissues as these are always greatly appreciated to be used by the children.
Thank You. 🙂