Dear Parent,
On behalf of the staff at Ochiltree Primary School I would like to welcome you and your child to school. No matter whether your child’s stay with us is long or short, I hope you feel welcome in the school community. The information in this handbook is intended as a guide to all parents of new pupils in session 2022-2023.
“Every child of school age has the right to a school education provided by an education authority.” (Standards in Scotland’s Schools etc. Act 2000 (Section 2.1)
It is our duty to provide an education which is directed to the development of the personality, talents and mental and physical abilities of the child or young person to his/her fullest potential.
A Curriculum for Excellence Our aspirations for all children and for every young person is that they should be:
• successful learners
• confident individuals
• responsible citizens
• effective contributions to society and at work
The following are the aims of the school which have been agreed by staff, pupils and parents:
• To nurture all children in a safe, caring environment
• To expect high standards from everyone
• To value, support, respect and include everyone
• To provide children with challenging, motivating, positive and purposeful learning experiences
• To encourage responsibility for learning and behaviour
• To help children unlock their full potential
Our children’s learning and attainment is down to a partnership between school, home and the wider community. We welcome your views and look forward to working with you.