Health Week and Trip

I’m sorry for the delayed update about our Health week and our trip to Culzean Castle. We have had lots of fun over the last couple of weeks:

On Wednesday, Kilmarnock Football Club came into school and worked with us to hone our football skills. We had great fun.

We then got a karate workshop on Thursday. I was very impressed everyone’s fantastic karate skills!

Our P7 buddies joined us for some peer massage in our classroom. We also swapped over and massaged our buddies which they really enjoyed.

On Friday, we had our sports day. Everyone did a great job and we had lots of fun. Before our sports day, we did a whole school 1 mile walk in the playground. We got the chance to have a chat with our P7 buddies and enjoyed walking with everyone in the school.

On Monday, we then went on our trip to Culzean Castle. We had a great time, enjoying our workshops, a lovely lunch in the sun and playing in the fantastic playpark at the swan pond. The walk to the swan pond was a long one and our batteries were empty by the time we got back to the bus but we were all very happy (and tired). I spent the day with the Primary 1s as the Primary 2s were doing a different workshop. Primary 1s explored their senses on a woodland walk. We made magic potions and used our sense of smell, hugged trees and used our sense of touch and spotted different colours in plants and flowers with our sense of sight.

Class Update

We have been very busy learning about minibeasts over the last few weeks. We have looked at bees and are now learning about butterflies. We have also explored minibeast habitats. A lot of our learning is done through play activities and crafts.

Our P7 buddies helped us with our spelling and maths. It was a lovely day so we decided to go outside and use chalk. First we practised our spelling words, then we made clocks using hula hoops and twigs for clock hands. Our buddies tested our time knowledge and we all had great fun.

We had a visit from the Maidsafe trailer during our science week and were able to do some experiments. We also created beautiful marble paintings and had a great time.

In maths, we are learning about time and measuring length and area at the moment. We made clocks which we are using to practise showing o’clock and half past times. We also used cubes to measure and compare the length of items and counters to measure the area of our hands. We recorded the area of our hands on the board to see who has the biggest hand in our class!

In PE, we have been practising our sports day races and have been working to improve our coordination through hula hoop activities. We do different hula hoop stations each time and are enjoying our lessons.

I hope you all have a great long weekend and can’t wait to see you again on Wednesday!


Class Update

We have all been working very hard this week learning all about minibeasts, painting, building with blocks and cubes, exploring our minibeasts small world, practising our writing and playing maths games to practise our skills. Everyone has done an amazing job!

We went into our school garden to explore some minibeasts habitats and see which and how many minibeasts we could find in our garden. We could not find all the minibeasts from our tick list but we managed to find quite a few. Then we did follow up activities focussing on all curricular areas. We also practised our spelling and block building on different days.

We also practised writing a persuasive sentence after reading “Betsy Buglove Saves the Bees” and created signs to get our message across. Some children wrote letters or practised bee words in their writing. We also created labels and looked at the parts of a bee.

In Art, we looked at minibeasts and used paints to create minibeasts pictures.

I’m so impressed with all the amazing facts the children remembered about minibeasts and am looking forward to many more exciting lessons and activities!





Class Update

It has been an exciting week in our class with the return to “normal” now that I’m back from our P6/7 residential trip to London last week. Here are a few of the things we have been doing:

We had a visit from some stick insects. This was perfect timing as we started our new topic of minibeasts this week and we had just been talking about stick insects in class. We loved seeing them and finding out more about them.

We really enjoyed the cattle show on Wednesday and had a great time cheering on children from our class. We are all proud of their achievements. We also loved seeing all the beautiful crafts. Did you see our pompom bunnies?

In PE, we practised our throwing, catching and aiming skills this week. Next week we will start doing skipping. We are already really excited.

On Thursday we made wind chimes with our visitors from Maidsafe. We used sticks, string, beads, shells and other materials to create them. We then hung them up in the school garden on Friday morning.



Class Update

March has been a busy month in Primary 1/2. Read all about what we have been up to below.

We finished our Pirate Topic which we did together with the Primary 3/4 class. We have learned lots about pirates and did activities across the whole curriculum. Here are just some of the things we did:

We had a visit from Childsmile and learned how to brush our teeth. 🦷

We did lots of different play activities to practise and improve our literacy, maths, painting, motor skills and creativity:

On World Book Day we did different activities in our house groups. First though, we shared our favourite books with each other and chose our favourite part of our book to trace and talk about. We then did a book scavenger hunt outside, made our books, comic books or finger puppets, and read with older pupils.

Maidsafe visited us during Science week and helped us to make cannons like the ones on a pirate ship. We used cups, balloons and table tennis balls. We had a great time and had a “cannonball fight” between P1s and P2s but there was no clear winners because we are all great pirates!

On the last day, we had an Easter celebration day. We decorated Easter bonnets, made an Easter bunny basket and finished off our Easter cards. We also had a special Easter snack.

I hope everyone has an amazing Easter holiday!


Homework this week

I have not given out any homework this week.

We will be practising our spelling in school this week. Primary 1s are consolidating sh, ch and th this week. We will be doing lots of different spelling activities in the class to go over these sounds. Primary 2s are exploring the use of the “magic e”.

If you would like your child to practise some maths, your child could play the following games on topmarks:

Primary 1 – Robot More or Less: Choose “less than” and “up to ten”

Primary 2 – Place Value Basketball: Choose “number up to 99”

You could also do the Daily 10 to help your child speed up their mental agility. Primary 1s should go to “Level 1 – Subtraction – up to 10” and Primary 2s can try “Level 2 – Digit Values”. It will automatically give you numbers up to 99.


Class Update

We have had another busy week in Primary 1/2.

First, I would like to share the Wild Thing pages for Mrs Black’s special retirement edition that our class made:

Our activities focused on money this week. We learned about the different coins and paid for items with money to practise making different amounts.

We also practised our spelling, did a number hunt and did construction activities.


In art, we created pirates. We made our pirates over a few days as part of our play stations. Don’t they look fierce?!

We continued to practise our gymnastics skills this week. On Friday, we did gymnastics with the Primary 4/5 class and we learned lots of new skills. All children have made fantastic progress in gymnastics and I couldn’t be prouder of the whole class.

Primary 1s have started to write their own sentences this week and did a super job! Primary 2s are looking at uplevelling their sentences using adjectives and different connectives. We will continue to practise writing amazing sentences but I was very impressed with all the fantastic written work the children produced! They really are superstars!


Class Update

It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to do a class update so we have a lot of things to show this week!

We celebrated Burns Day at the end of January and practised our poem to perform to the school. The class did a fantastic job performing it and we made a special video for you:

Go to this Sway

We have also done lots of different learning activities in the classroom, practising our maths, spelling and writing. Here are pictures of some of them:

We were sad to see Mrs Black retire this month. We had a special assembly for her and each class had prepared something special. We had drawn portraits of Mrs Black and told her our favourite things to do at home for some inspiration in case she gets bored. We added these to a special magazine the school made for Mrs Black. We also wrote a poem for her:

Go to this Sway

This week we started our new topic. We are learning all about Pirates with the P3/4 class. The children loved the opportunity to work with the older children. Here are some of the activities we were doing:

The gym hall is currently being used by another class during our PE slot on Thursdays so for the next 3 weeks we are joining the P4/5 class during their gymnastics slot. This is a great opportunity for us to learn from our peers and show off our own skills.


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