Primary 1 Homework    


DRESS AS YOU PLEASE- Friday 14th June 2024

Children can come to school on Friday 14th June 2024 dressed as they please and we kindly ask that you donate  either chocolate or a bottle for the Parent Council Family Bingo Night fundraiser .Any glass bottles should be handed into the office. Thank you.

P1H and P1B will have Outdoor Learning on Monday. P1/2W have  Outdoor Learning on Wednesday. Please ensure that your child has suitable outdoor clothes. Thank you.

Primary 1 Homework      Monday 20th May

The school will be closed on Monday 27th May and Tuesday 28th May. We hope you have a lovely long weekend.

P1-3 Sports Day is Wednesday 29th May at 2.00p.m.


Common Words   Please try to read and spell all common words daily.   (look, come, some)

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas.

Phoneme Strips Please try to read, write and spell all phoneme words. This week we will be finding out about “oo”. Please try to say the sound and show the action for each sound.
Reading Book(s) Try to read your book daily.

Please use the Active Reading mat to ask your child questions about their reading book.

Nature Detectives


Journey Stick

Make a journey stick to record your mid-term holiday.

Find a short stick and attach objects to it with pieces of wool. Use a different colour for each sight, sound, feeling and smell.

We would very grateful if your child could bring their reading book and homework folder to school each day. Thank you.

P1H and P1B will have Outdoor Learning on Monday. P1/2W have  Outdoor Learning on Wednesday. Please ensure that your child has suitable outdoor clothes. Thank you. 



Common Words    Please try to read and spell all common words daily.   (from, his, they) 

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas. 

Phoneme Strips  Please try to read and spell all phoneme words. This week we will be finding out about “ng”. Please try to say the sound and show the action for each sound. 
Reading Book(s)  Try to read your book daily. 

 Please use the Active Reading mat to ask your child questions about their reading book. 


RSPB Wild Challenge 


Build a bird bath  

  If you have any issues about homework please contact

or Miss Barrett

on eajaye.barrett


We would very grateful if your child could bring their reading book and homework folder to school each day. Thank you. 

Common Words   Please try to read and spell all common words daily.   (her, she, said, with, my, by, this, than, then, much, them)

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas.

Phoneme Strips This week is a consolidation week. Please try to say the sound and show the action for each sound (sh, th as in thin, th as in the/that, ch).
Reading Book(s) Try to read your book daily.

Please use the Active Reading mat to ask your child questions about their reading book.

Spring Scavenger Hunt Be a real Nature Detective! Can you find these spring treasures?



Primary 1 Homework      

Common Words  We are focusing on our common words

much, them

Please try to read and spell all common words daily.  

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas.

Phoneme Strips We are focusing on the “ch” sound this week.

Reading Book(s) Choose a book or text from home. Can you find ch words in it? Can you identify some capitals, full stops and questions marks?

Challenge- Can you answer our comprehension questions of who, what, where and when in your book?

Numeracy and Mathematics  Use this QR code to consolidate your addition and subtraction skills.

Challenge Go for a walk with your family or have a look when you are in a car or a bus. What signs of Spring can you see?
  If you have any issues about homework please contact

or Miss Barrett

on eajaye.barrett

P1H and P1B have Outdoor Learning on Monday and P1/2W on Wednesday. We would be grateful if your child could arrive with suitable outdoor clothes. Thank you.




We would very grateful if your child could bring their reading book and homework folder to school each day. Thank you.

Common Words  We are focusing on our new common words with, my, by.

Please try to read and spell all common words daily.  

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas.

Phoneme Strips We are focusing on the “th” sound this week. Please try to say the sound and show the action for each sound.

Reading Book(s) Try to read your book daily.

Please use the Active Reading mat to ask your child questions about their reading book.

Challenge- Can you answer our comprehension questions of who, what, where and when in your book?

Numeracy and Mathematics We are learning about time and how to describe different times such as yesterday, last week, tomorrow, before, after and days of the week.

Have discussion with you adult at home, can they ask you questions about your week using different time vocabulary?

Eg What did you do on Tuesday?

What did you do before you brushed your teeth?

When are you next going to beavers?

Challenge-Can you create a weekly timetable which shows what you did in the morning, what you did after and what you did at night? You can bring this in and we will use it in class to help us with our learning.

  If you have any issues about homework please contact

Miss Barrett on eajaye.barrett

P1H and P1B have Outdoor Learning on Monday and P1/2W on Wednesday.

We would be grateful if your child could arrive with suitable outdoor clothes. Thank you.


We would very grateful if your child could bring their reading book and homework folder to school each day. Thank you.


Common Words  We are focusing on our common words

she said her

Please try to read and spell all common words daily.  

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas.


Remember we also have our spelling word walls please encourage your child to read these to you

Challenge: can you say the words to your child and can they write them.

Phoneme Strips We are focusing on the “sh” sound this week. Please try to say the sound, read your ‘sh’ words

Challenge- Adults at home ask your Primary 1 to write one of their ‘sh’ words independently. Can they break the words into their sounds

E.g. SH    A   R   K

Reading Book(s) Try to read your book daily.

Please use the Active Reading mat to ask your child questions about their reading book.

Challenge- Can you answer our comprehension questions of who, what, where and when in your book?

Numeracy and Mathematics Can you use this QR code to show someone in your home your money skills? You could identify different coins and notes individually, add amounts of money together or make the same amount of money using different coin combinations.


Challenge: choose counting coins: 1p to 10p to add amounts together

Challenge Go for a walk with your family or have a look when you are in a car or a bus. What signs of Spring can you see?
  If you have any issues about homework please contact

Miss Barrett

on eajaye.barrett

P1H and P1B have Outdoor Learning on Monday and P1/2W on Wednesday. We would be grateful if your child could arrive with suitable outdoor clothes. Thank you.


We would very grateful if your child could bring their reading book and homework folder to school each day. Thank you.

Common Words  We are focusing on our new common words her, she, said.

Please try to read and spell all common words daily.  

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas.

Phoneme Strips We are focusing on the sh sound this week. Please try to say the sound and show the action for each sound.

Reading Book(s) Try to read your book daily.

Please use the Active Reading mat to ask your child questions about their reading book.

Numeracy and Mathematics Can you identify coins and notes used to pay for things? Can you help someone in your home pay for something? Can you give change from 10p (use you subtraction skills). You could also set up a pretend shop at home and showcase your money skills with someone at home.


Challenge Please speak with your family about the curricular areas in school that you enjoy, discuss the things that you are confident in doing (for example reading your common words or subtraction within 10). Then discuss are area that you are not as confident in, can you come up with some ideas for you next steps in your learning journey?
  If you have any issues about homework please contact

Miss Barrett

on eajaye.barrett

P1H and P1B have Outdoor Learning on Monday.

We would be grateful if your child could arrive with suitable outdoor clothes. Thank you.






We would very grateful if your child could bring their reading book and homework folder to school each day. Thank you.

P1H and P1B will have Outdoor Learning on Monday. Please ensure that your child has suitable outdoor clothes. Thank you.

Common Words   This week is a consolidation week.  Please try to read all the words on the tricky word wall.

Challenge- try to spell as many tricky words as you can!

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas.

Phoneme Strips This week is a consolidation week. Please try to say the sound and show the action for each sound (h, w, j, v, y, z, q(u) and x).

Try to sound out each letter and say the word on the Phoneme Word Wall. e.g. c-a-t   cat

Challenge- choose a word and write a sentence. (Remember to use a CL, a FS and finger spaces.)


Children have been given 2 word walls, please try to go over these weekly with your child.

Reading Book(s) Try to read your book daily.

Please use the Active Reading mat to ask your child questions about their reading book.


Select -Less Than

Select Range- Up to 10

Or try a Challenge- Up to 20?


  If you have any issues about homework please contact

Miss Barrett




We would very grateful if your child could bring their reading book and homework folder to school each day. Thank you.

Primary 1 Homework      Monday 5th February

Our P7 Bring and Buy Sale will be on Thursday 8th February. Please see the School App for more details.


P1H and P1B have Outdoor Learning on Monday. We would be grateful if your child could arrive with suitable outdoor clothes. Thank you.

February Holiday

The school will be closed on Friday 9th February and re-open on Wednesday 14th February. We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Common Words   Please try to read and spell all common words daily.   (so, no, go)

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas.

Phoneme Strips This week is a consolidation week. Please try to say the sound and show the action for each sound (h, w, j, v, y, z, q(u) and x).
Reading Book(s) Try to read your book daily.

Please use the Active Reading mat to ask your child questions about their reading book.

Scots Poem

(please see homework folder)

Primary 1 will be learning “Mince and Tatties” for our  Celebration of Scots Language. We would be grateful if you could help your child learn the words at home.  Thank you.
  Miss Barrett

on eajaye.barrett

We would very grateful if your child could bring their reading book and homework folder to school each day. Thank you.


Primary 1 Homework      Monday 29th January

Please remember primary 1 are learning their poem for the Burns competition. This can be found on the welcome page.


I dinna like hail tatties
Pit on my plate o mince
For when I tak my denner
I eat them baith at yince.

Sae mash and mix the tatties
Wi mince into the mashin,
And sic a tasty denner
Will aye be voted ‘Smashin!’

P1H and P1B will have Outdoor Learning on Monday and P1/2W will have Outdoor Learning on Wednesday.

Common Words   Please try to read and spell all common words daily.   ( him, to, do )

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas.

Phoneme Strips Please try to read and spell all phoneme words. This week we will be finding out about “q(u)” and “x”. Please try to say the sound and show the action for each sound.
Reading Book(s) Try to read your book daily.

Please use the Active Reading mat to ask your child questions about their reading book.

Maths Topmarks  -Mental Maths Train

Click on the + truck

Try –Up to 10- one more or Up to 10


  If you have any issues about homework please contact

Miss Barrett





We would very grateful if your child could bring their reading book and homework folder to school each day. Thank you.


Primary 1 Homework      Monday 15th   January

 P1B and P1H will have Outdoor Learning on Monday. Please ensure your child brings suitable outdoor clothes. Thank you.

Common Words   Please try to read and spell all common words daily.   (you, was)

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas.

Phoneme Strips Please try to read and spell all phoneme words. This week we will be finding out about “y” and “z”. Please try to say the sound and show the action for each sound.
Reading Book(s) Try to read your book daily.

Please use the Active Reading mat to ask your child questions about their reading book.

Scots Poem

(please see homework folder)

Primary 1 will be learning “Mince and Tatties” for our  Celebration of Scots Language. We would be grateful if you could help your child learn the words at home.  Thank you.
Addition Challenge Two Dice

Find all the numbers which can be made by adding the dots on two dice.

Challenge-Use playing cards. Write down as many calculations as you can, by adding the numbers on two playing cards. Good Luck P1!  

  If you have any issues or questions please contact

Miss Barrett on


We would very grateful if your child could bring their reading book and homework folder to school each day. Thank you.

Primary 1 Homework      

P1B and P1H will have Outdoor Learning on Monday. Please ensure your child brings suitable outdoor clothes. Thank you.

Common Words   Please try to read and spell all common words daily.   (us, have)

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas.

Phoneme Strips Please try to read and spell all phoneme words. This week we will be finding out about “j” and “v”. Please try to say the sound and show the action for each sound.
Reading Book(s) Try to read your book daily.

Please use the Active Reading mat to ask your child questions about their reading book.

Numeracy Can you beat your score? Go to number bonds, then try the calculations “Up to 10”.

Challenge -try “Up to 20”!  Or maybe“Up to 100!”

Scots Poem

(please see homework folder)

Primary 1 will be learning “Mince and Tatties” for our  Celebration of Scots Language. We would be grateful if you could help your child learn the words at home.  Thank you.
  If you have any issues about homework please contact

Miss Barrett


We would very grateful if your child could bring their reading book and homework folder to school each day. Thank you.

Primary 1 Homework      Monday 27th November

Common Words Please try to read and spell all common words daily.   (but, up, be, me)

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas.

Phoneme Strips Please try to read and spell all phoneme words. This week we will be finding out about “b and u”.

You may add each new phoneme strip to the key ring in the homework folder

Numeracy Can you tell an adult what the missing number is from 1-20 ?

Challenge Can you count on from a given number?
  If you have any issues about homework please contact

Miss Barrett on eajaye.barrett@glow.sch.uK

Primary 1 Homework      Week 20th November 

Common Words  Please try to read and spell all common words daily.   (for, on, of) 

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas. 

Phoneme Strips  Please try to read and spell all phoneme words. This week we will be finding out about “f and o”. 

You may add each new phoneme strip to the key ring in the homework folder 

Numeracy  Can you play the number name game on Topmarks? 

Challenge  Can you write the number names and numerals and play a matching game with someone at home? 
  If you have any issues about homework please contact Miss Whiteford on 

or Mrs Henderson on  

or Miss Barrett on

We would very grateful if your child could bring their homework folder to school each day. Thank you. 



Common Words Please try to read and spell all common words daily.   (get, let)

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas.

Phoneme Strips Please try to read and spell all phoneme words. This week we will be finding out about “g and l”.

You may add each new phoneme strip to the key ring in the homework folder

Numeracy Can you use playdough or food like sandwiches to cut into different shapes and then split them into halves?


You can also use these activities to show your ability to identify halves.

Challenge Can find a piece of clothing that you find tricky to put on and take off like a jacket with a zip or tying shoelaces? Try practising the skill for the item and challenge yourself to being independent at it by the end of the week.
  If you have any issues about homework please contact Miss Whiteford on

or Mrs Henderson on

or Miss Barrett



We would very grateful if your child could bring their homework folder to school each day. Thank you.


Primary 1 Homework      Monday 6th November 

We are walking to Stewarton Library on Wednesday 8th November. Please ensure that your child has suitable outdoor clothing on this day. Thank you. 

We would like to invite you to our Parental Engagement Session next week. 

Primary 1B   Wednesday 15th November 


We look forward to seeing you. 

Common Words   This week is a consolidation week. Please try to read and spell all common words from Week 5-7. (am, did, and, are, can, ask) 

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas. 

Phoneme Strips  This week is a consolidation week. Please try to say the sound and show the action for each sound (r, m, d, e,  c, k ) 
Reading Book(s)  Try to read your book daily. 

 Please use the Active Reading mat to ask your child questions about their reading book. 

We would very grateful if your child could bring their reading book and homework folder to school each day. Thank you. 

Maths   Number Names . You could try to match Words up to 5 or Words up to 10. 

Challenge- Try to match Words up to 15.

  If you have any issues about homework please contact Miss Whiteford on 

or Mrs Henderson on 

or Miss Barrett 


Primary 1 Homework      Tuesday 31st October 

We would very grateful if your child could bring their homework folder to school each day. Thank you 

Common Words  Please try to read and spell all common words daily.   (can, ask) 

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas. 

Phoneme Strips  Please try to read and spell all phoneme words. This week we will be finding out about “c and k”. 

You may add each new phoneme strip to the key ring in the homework folder 

Outdoor Learning  P1/2W will have Outdoor Learning on Wednesday. P1B and P1H will have Outdoor Learning on Monday. Please ensure your child brings suitable outdoor clothes. Thank you. 
Numeracy  Can you count 20 items in your home? They could be toys, socks or even pieces of pasta. 

Can you try to write your numbers to 20 and cut them out? 

You could test you adults on their number knowledge to 20 by showing them a flash card and asking them to count out that many of your items. 

Take turns at this and make it a game, who will win? 

Challenge  Can you bring in an item to show you class and talk about? 
  If you have any issues about homework please contact Miss Whiteford on 

or Mrs Henderson on  

or Miss Barrett 




Primary 1 Homework      Monday 9th October

We would very grateful if your child could bring their reading book and homework folder to school each day. Thank you.
Common Words   Please try to read and spell all common words daily.   (am)

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas.

Phoneme Strips Please try to read and spell all phoneme words. This week we will be finding out about “r” and “m.” Please try to say the sound and show the action for each sound.
Reading Book(s) Try to read your book daily.

Please use the Active Reading mat to ask your child questions about their reading book.

School Jumpers We have quite a few lost jumpers. We would be very grateful if you could check all jumper labels and return any jumpers to school which do not belong to your child.
October Holiday The school will close on Friday 13th October at 3.15p.m. and re-open on Tuesday 24th October at 9.00a.m.
  If you have any issues about homework please contact Miss Whiteford on

or Mrs Henderson on

or Miss Barrett on


Primary 1 Homework      Monday 2nd  October  

Thank you to everyone who attended the Primary 1 Information Evening on Thursday 28th September. You will find the “Language and Communication” keyring in your child’s folder. We hope you enjoy playing the games together. 

We would very grateful if your child could bring their reading book and homework folder to school each day. Thank you

Common Words  This week is a consolidation week. Please try to read and spell all common words from Week 1-3.  

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas. 

Phoneme Strips  This week is a consolidation week. Please try to say the sound and show the action for each sound (a, t, s, i,  p, n )  
Reading Book(s)  Try to read your book daily. 

 Please use the Active Reading mat to ask your child questions about their reading book. 

Outdoor Learning  P1/2W will have Outdoor Learning on Wednesday. P1B and P1H will have Outdoor Learning on Monday. Please ensure your child brings suitable outdoor clothes. Thank you. 
  If you have any issues about homework please contact

Miss Whiteford on 

or Mrs Henderson on 

or Miss Barrett on 

October Value of the Month Challenge 

Strengthening Children's Rights in Scotland - UK Human Rights BlogPlease click on the purple hyperlink to access the whole school homework task.

Ralphie Rabbit tshirt design

Primary 1 Homework      Tuesday 26th September 

Our  Primary 1 Information Session is on Thursday 28th September at 5.00pm. We hope you will be able to join us.  

Common Words  Please try to read and spell all common words daily.   (an, is) 

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas. 

Phoneme Strips  Please try to read and spell all phoneme words. This week we will be finding out about “n”. 

You may add each new phoneme strip to the key ring in the homework folder 

Outdoor Learning  P1/2W will have Outdoor Learning on Wednesday. P1B and P1H will have Outdoor Learning on Monday. Please ensure your child brings suitable outdoor clothes. Thank you. 


Maths Week Scotland  Try some of the family activities (Number Fun with Lego, Shape Scavenger Hunt or Magazine Number Hunt) for MWS by following the link below. 

 We hope you have fun. Please let us know your favourite challenge. 

  If you have any issues about homework please contact Miss Whiteford on 

or Mrs Henderson on  

or Miss Barrett 



We would very grateful if your child could bring their homework folder to school each day. Thank you. 


Monday 18th September Homework

As it is the September weekend Primary 1B and 1H will not be outdoors next week . 

 Primary 1W will be outdoors next Wednesday. 

Common Words  Please try to read and spell all common words daily 

  (an, is) 

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas. 

Phoneme Strips  Please try to read and spell all phoneme words. This week we will be finding out about 


You may add each new phoneme strip to the key ring in the homework folder. 

Lost Property   We have a few jumpers and cardigans in the classroom, just in case your child is missing one. 

We would also be grateful if you could ensure that all clothing is labelled. Thank you. 

  If you have any issues about homework, please contact 

Miss Barrett 


Mrs Henderson  


Miss Whiteford  



Primary 1 Homework      Monday 11th September 

Common Words  Please try to read and spell all common words daily.   (I,in,it) 

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas. 

Phoneme Strips  Please try to read and spell all phoneme words. This week we will be finding out about 

 “s” and “i”. 

You may add each new phoneme strip to the key ring in the homework folder. 

Lost Property   We have a few jumpers and cardigans in the classroom, just in case your child is missing one. 

We would also be grateful if you could ensure that all clothing is labelled. Thank you. 

  If you have any issues about homework please contact  

Miss Barrett on


Primary 1B will be outdoors next Monday. Please remember to bring suitable outdoor clothes, in case we get a bit muddy. Thank you. 

We would very grateful if your child could bring their homework folder to school each day. Thank you. 

Primary 1 Homework Monday 4th September

****Primary 1B will be outdoors next Monday. Please remember to bring suitable outdoor clothes, in case we get a bit muddy. Thank you.*****

We would very grateful if your child could bring their homework folder to school each day. Thank you.

Common Words Please try to read and spell all common words daily.   (a, at, the)

The spelling activity grid in each homework folder will give you some ideas.

Phoneme Strips Please try to read and spell all phoneme words. This week we will be finding out about

a” and “t”.

You may add each new phoneme strip to the key ring in the homework folder

All About Me


Please help your child to complete and return the booklet to school by Monday 11th September. Thank you.
Lost Property We have a few jumpers and cardigans in the classroom, just in case your child is missing one.

We would also be grateful if you could ensure that all clothing is labelled. Thank you.

  If you have any issues about homework please contact

Miss Barrett


Value of the Month Family Challenge – Respect

As our value this month is respect, we are spending time thinking about how to be respectful. In school, we have identified the following ways we can show respect and we are working hard on this.

  • Being polite and kind to others
  • Treating others the way you want to be treated
  • Consider others’ feelings, wishes and rights

This month, we invite you to:

  1. Discuss with your family what things you can do to show respect at home and in your community. This might be making your bed, spending time with a family member or walking the dog.
  2. Carryout some things that show respect and fill the inside and outside of the house with pictures or words to show what you have achieved this month. You might need to ask an adult at home to help with this. Your teacher will give this out.
  3. You will be discussing how you have displayed respect in your home and community during week beginning Tuesday 26th September. We can’t wait to hear all about your experiences.

To support living by our values in school, at home and in our local community, we will be giving every family one of our values magnets to display in your home as a reminder.



 Homework      Monday 28th August

Literacy   Read a story with your family. Afterwards talk about your favourite part. Can you retell the whole story?


Challenge- why not try changing a character or the ending of your story. You could even try acting out your changes.



Help prepare a meal or snack with your family. Can you work out how many plates, bowls or pieces of cutlery you need?


Challenge- can you help with cleaning up afterwards? Maybe you could dry the dishes.

Other Try and go for a walk with your family. Talk about your favourite parts of the week and what you enjoyed.

Challenge- can you give each member of your family a compliment before the end of the week?

If you have any issues about homework please contact Miss Barrett
