P1H Home Learning wb 23.11.20

Hello P1H,

I hope you are all doing well at home and staying safe.  Here is your home learning grid for this week-

Primary 1 Home Learning Grid 2

Remember to keep practicing all of your common words.  Here is a copy of the 6 new words to learn-

common words

I loved hearing about and seeing pictures of your fantastic home learning last week.  Please don’t hesitate to send me an email if you have any questions or wish to share your learning with me this week.  My email is eaellen.roy@eastayrshire.gov.uk.

Miss Roy and P1R can’t wait to see you all back in school next week!

Take care and stay safe,

Miss Roy 🙂

Primary 1 Home Learning wb 16.11.20

Hello Primary 1H,
Here is a table of ideas for home learning this week.
I have also attached a document with the common words for the next two weeks.  If you have any questions  or want to share some of your home learning with me, please don’t hesitate to email me on ellen.roy@eastayrshire.org.uk.
Take care and stay safe,
Miss Roy
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