Friday 19 February 2021

Good Morning Primary 1.

Morning Check-in

How are you feeling this morning?

Inside Out' Character Profiles: Anger, Joy, Disgust, Fear and Sadness - Updated | Pixar Post

Please leave a comment to let us know how you are feeling today.

Vscene Live Meet    Fun Friday Scavenger Hunt 👀

Miss Roy and Mrs Henderson will meet with both classes on Vscene at the following times-

P1H- 9.30am- 10.00am

P1R- 11.00am- 11.30am

Please check your email to find all of the information regarding this. We can’t wait to see you all later!

Literacy- Common Words

Use the spelling grid below to practise reading and spelling all your common words from Week 1-Week 12. You can also use the words in your common word box too.

cfe-l-52561b-spelling-cfe-homework-grid-week 1-12

You could also practice making cvc words, using your blue and red phoneme cards. CVC words Friday 19 February

Now, practice singing our vowel song and all the phoneme songs.

Maths and Numeracy

Today we are going to practice our number names.

Number Names from One to Twenty song

Log in to Education City and play Fluffy Clouds. You may print out the activity sheets, if you wish.

Outdoor Learning

Be creative -use a blanket, pillows, chairs, clothes horse, boxes or big sticks to build a den. Remember to ask an adult, which materials you can use!

Play i-spy on your walk today!

Thank you for working so hard with your Home Learning. We are super excited to see you all at school on Monday! Have a lovely weekend, Primary One. 💓

Miss Roy and Mrs Henderson

Thursday 18th February 2021

Good Morning Primary 1.

We hope you are all safe and well and had a fabulous long weekend!

We are looking forward to seeing you all at school on Monday.😊

Attached below is a weekly overview of this weeks online lessons.  If you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to send us an email.

Home Learning Week 6 Grid

Our email addresses are as follows-

Morning Check-in

How are you feeling this morning?

Inside Out' Character Profiles: Anger, Joy, Disgust, Fear and Sadness - Updated | Pixar Post

Please leave a comment to let us know how you are feeling today.

Vscene Live Meet     Friday 19 February

Miss Roy and Mrs Henderson will meet with both classes on Vscene at the following times-

P1H- 9.30am- 10.00am

P1R- 11.00am- 11.30am

We are going on a Scavenger Hunt tomorrow and all your family can join in the fun!

Please check your email to find all of the information regarding this. We can’t wait to see you all tomorrow!

Literacy- Common Words

Use the spelling grid below to practise reading and spelling all your common words from Week 1-Week 12. You can also use the words in your common word box too. Perhaps choose some words to practise today and some tomorrow.

cfe-l-52561b-spelling-cfe-homework-grid-week 1-12

You could also practice making cvc words, using your blue and red phoneme cards. CVC words 18 Feb

Now, practice singing our vowel song and all the phoneme songs.

Maths and Numeracy

Today we are going to count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.

The Counting By Twos Song

The Counting by Fives Song

The Counting by Tens Song

Log in to Education City and play Don’t Be Shellfish. You may print out the activity sheet, if you wish.

Outdoor Learning

Gather some twigs and be creative! Play a game of Noughts and Crosses using natural materials or build a tower of twigs. Think about how you can stack sticks or build them into a frame to create the height.


We hope you enjoy today’s activities, Primary 1 and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Miss Roy and Mrs Henderson


Friday 12th February 2021

Good Morning Primary 1,

Morning Check-in

How are you feeling this morning?

Inside Out' Character Profiles: Anger, Joy, Disgust, Fear and Sadness - Updated | Pixar Post




Please leave a comment to let us know how you are feeling today.  😀

Vscene Live Meet

Miss Roy and Mrs Henderson will meet with both classes on Vscene at the following times-

P1H- 9.30am- 10.00am

P1R- 11.00am- 11.30am

Please check your email to find all of the information regarding this. We can’t wait to see you and hear all your jokes!

Literacy- Spelling Test

Get an adult to ask you to spell each of this weeks common words.  Write these words down onto a piece of paper and see how many of these you can spell from memory.

Numeracy with Mrs Henderson

Draw your face on your whiteboard. Now draw  10 teeth to your mouth.

Roll a dice     and write your calculation below. e.g. 10- 5=?

Now use your duster and rub out 5 teeth. What is your answer? 10-5=5

This time , draw 9 teeth, then 8 teeth. How many  of your calculations equal 5?

Story Time with Mrs HendersonThe Runaway Iceberg

Try to get some fresh air each day, by going for a walk or a cycle (remember to wear your helmet!) with an adult from your home, if it is safe to do so, or playing in your garden, if you have one. Join P.E with Joe, Cosmic Yoga, GoNoodle! or build your own obstacle course. Or you could try the links below. Have fun Primary 1!  or

Outdoor Learning

Find something you love outdoors. It might be a treasure or a photo.
Why not spend some time finding natural treasures to love or
beautiful views and sights?
What do you love about being outdoors?

We hope you have a tremendous long weekend and look forward to hearing from you on Thursday. Stay Safe Primary 1!💖

Miss Roy and Mrs Henderson

Thursday 11th February 2021

Good Morning Primary 1,

Morning Check-in

How are you feeling this morning?

Inside Out' Character Profiles: Anger, Joy, Disgust, Fear and Sadness - Updated | Pixar Post




Please leave a comment to let us know how you are feeling today.

Vscene Live Meet- Tomorrow

Miss Roy and Mrs Henderson will meet with both classes tomorrow on Vscene at the following times-

P1H- 9.30am- 10.00am

P1R- 11.00am- 11.30am

Please check your email to find all of the information regarding this. We can’t wait to see you and hear all your jokes!

Literacy- Writing with Mrs Henderson

Domino Addition

Time to get some dominoes! Choose a domino and write your addition calculation on your whiteboard or in your jotter.  Check your answer by counting the spots!

If you wish, you may print out the Chinese New Year Domino Addition activity and complete the calculations.


Try to get some fresh air each day, by going for a walk or a cycle (remember to wear your helmet!) with an adult from your home, if it is safe to do so, or playing in your garden, if you have one. Join P.E with Joe, Cosmic Yoga, GoNoodle! or build your own obstacle course. Or try the links below Primary 1!


Outdoor Learning 

Scavenger Hunt
Find something beginning with each letter of your name or the whole alphabet!

We hope you enjoy today’s activities, Primary 1 and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Miss Roy and Mrs Henderson

Wednesday 10th February 2021

Good Morning Primary 1,

Morning Check-in

How are you feeling this morning?

Inside Out' Character Profiles: Anger, Joy, Disgust, Fear and Sadness - Updated | Pixar Post

Please leave a comment to let us know how you are feeling today.

Literacy with Miss Roy

Click on the link below to access Miss Roy’s Literacy classroom to learn the new sound-x.

cvc activity

Numeracy with Mrs Henderson 

Today we are going to count in 5’s! Log in to Education City and watch High Five! Now try the game, Deep Sea Five. Good Luck everyone!

Use your 100 square and try to count in 5’s. If you can, put a piece of pasta or lego on top of each 5. What do you notice?

The Counting by Fives Song

Try to get some fresh air each day, by going for a walk or a cycle (remember to wear your helmet!) with an adult from your home, if it is safe to do so, or playing in your garden, if you have one. Join P.E with Joe, Cosmic Yoga, GoNoodle! or build your own obstacle course. Or you could try the links below. Have fun Primary 1!    or

Outdoor Learning 

Create cosy winter hidey holes for woodland creatures or minibeasts!


Thank you for working so hard today! Comment and let us know how you found today’s activities or email us some photos of your busy work.

Our email addresses are as follows-

Miss Roy and Mrs Henderson

Tuesday 9th February 2021

Good Morning Primary 1,

Morning Check-in

How are you feeling this morning?

Inside Out' Character Profiles: Anger, Joy, Disgust, Fear and Sadness - Updated | Pixar Post




Please leave a comment to let us know how you are feeling today.

Vscene Live Meet

Miss Roy and Mrs Henderson will meet with both classes on Vscene at the following times-

P1R- 11.00am- 11.30am

P1H- 1.30pm- 2.00pm

Please check your email to find all of the information regarding this. We can’t wait to see you all later on today!

Internet Safety Day- The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin

Have a go at colouring Daddy Penguin and write some advice on the scroll, to help Smartie to be safe on the internet.

Internet Safety Day Scroll


Reduce, Reuse , Recycle- create something new from something old!

Challenge- Make your own Smartie Penguin from recycled products.


This week we are trying to reduce our screen time. Try to get some fresh air each day, by going for a walk or a cycle (remember to wear your helmet!) with an adult from your home, if it is safe to do so, or playing in your garden, if you have one. Join P.E with Joe, Cosmic Yoga, GoNoodle! or build your own obstacle course. You could try the activities below. Have fun Primary 1!


Outdoor Learning 

Fun for all the family! Go on a mindful walk, how many sounds can you hear today?

Well done for working so hard, boys and girls.  We are so proud of you all.

Miss Roy and Mrs Henderson

Monday 8th February 2021

Good Morning Primary 1,

Attached below is a weekly overview of this weeks online lessons.  If you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to send us an email.

Home Learning Week 5 Grid

Our email addresses are as follows-

Morning Check-in

How are you feeling this morning?

Inside Out' Character Profiles: Anger, Joy, Disgust, Fear and Sadness - Updated | Pixar Post

Please leave a comment to let us know how you are feeling today.

Literacy with Miss Roy 

Click on the link below to access Miss Roy’s Literacy classroom to learn our new sound- qu.

cvc activity

Numeracy with Mrs Henderson

Today we are going to count in 2’s.  Log-in to Education City and watch Coast to Coast. Now play Deep Discoveries.

Use your number cards -start at 0 and count in 2’s. Set out all your number cards as you count. What do you notice about all the numbers? Did you spot a pattern?

The Counting By Twos Song

This week we are trying to reduce our screen time. Try to get some fresh air each day, by going for a walk or a cycle (remember to wear your helmet!) with an adult from your home, if it is safe to do so, or playing in your garden, if you have one. Join P.E with Joe, Cosmic Yoga, GoNoodle! or build your own obstacle course. Or you could try the activities below.

Have fun Primary 1!    🚴‍♂️  or

Outdoor Learning 

Get creative with sticks, seeds and leaves. Can you made all the letters in your name or your new phoneme?


Family Fun Sessions

East Ayrshire staff are offering families the opportunity to come and join us for a range of live online sessions.

These fun sessions  start on Monday 8th February and have been designed to support your family throughout  lockdown.

Details are attached. For any problems in accessing the attachment, please email:

Live family sessions startig the 8th Feb 2021

Live sessions Parent -carer Guidance Document

We loved seeing all of your busy work last week! Feel free to send us an email at any time to tell us how you are finding the activities and you can also share your work with us to get some feedback.

Have a lovely day Primary 1.

Miss Roy and Mrs Henderson

Family Fun Sessions

East Ayrshire staff are offering families the opportunity to come and join us for a range of live online sessions.

These fun sessions  start on Tuesday 26th January and have been designed to support your family throughout  lockdown.

Details are attached. For any problems in accessing the attachment, please email:

EA Live Family Fun Sessions wk 1

Live Sessions Guidance

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