Tuesday 9th February 2021

Good Morning Primary 1,

Morning Check-in

How are you feeling this morning?

Inside Out' Character Profiles: Anger, Joy, Disgust, Fear and Sadness - Updated | Pixar Post




Please leave a comment to let us know how you are feeling today.

Vscene Live Meet

Miss Roy and Mrs Henderson will meet with both classes on Vscene at the following times-

P1R- 11.00am- 11.30am

P1H- 1.30pm- 2.00pm

Please check your email to find all of the information regarding this. We can’t wait to see you all later on today!

Internet Safety Day- The Adventures of Smartie the Penguin


Have a go at colouring Daddy Penguin and write some advice on the scroll, to help Smartie to be safe on the internet.

Internet Safety Day Scroll


Reduce, Reuse , Recycle- create something new from something old!

Challenge- Make your own Smartie Penguin from recycled products.


This week we are trying to reduce our screen time. Try to get some fresh air each day, by going for a walk or a cycle (remember to wear your helmet!) with an adult from your home, if it is safe to do so, or playing in your garden, if you have one. Join P.E with Joe, Cosmic Yoga, GoNoodle! or build your own obstacle course. You could try the activities below. Have fun Primary 1!




Outdoor Learning 

Fun for all the family! Go on a mindful walk, how many sounds can you hear today?

Well done for working so hard, boys and girls.  We are so proud of you all.

Miss Roy and Mrs Henderson

5 thoughts on “Tuesday 9th February 2021”

  1. Morning Ladies

    I hope you are both well 🥰. We downed pencils yesterday and had an outdoor day. It was freezing but great to be outside (hints of spring appearing).

    Catching up today – let the games begin 🤞🏻🤖🐨

    James B xx 😘

    1. Good morning,

      It was a lovely day for an outdoor day yesterday! Im glad you enjoyed it.
      See you on the Vscene later.


      Miss Roy

    2. Good Morning James. I am glad you had an outdoor day yesterday. It is good to see signs of Spring🌱. Enjoy your Home Learning today.

      Mrs Henderson

  2. Hello Miss Roy and Mrs Henderson

    Emily is really enjoying colouring in Daddy Penguin, though she quickly tired of counting in twos… I think we’ll both be glad to see your lovely faces back in the classroom!

    Enjoy the snow and sunshine today!

    1. Hello Emily. I hope you enjoyed the Smartie penguin story and the song. I am sure you are making a lovely job of colouring Daddy Penguin 🐧. Have a great day.

      Mrs Henderson

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