Home Learning Week 1- wb 11.01.21

Happy New Year Primary 1,

We hope you all had a lovely, restful Christmas break and you are all safe and healthy. I know this is not the start to Term 3 that we had imagined but please remember your family’s wellbeing is our number one priority so please do not hesitate to contact us at any time for any help and support in these unprecedented times. This week will be a revision week of learning covered in Term 1 and Term 2. This will give everyone a chance to get into a routine and we can solve any teething problems at this time. Next week we will begin to teach some new content. Therefore, some lessons will be in the form of pre-recorded videos, live videos which will be held on V-scene and interactive PowerPoints that you can engage with in your own time. You will be made aware of any live inputs well in advance so you can plan accordingly.

Attached below is this week’s online learning grid.

Primary 1 Home Learning Grid 11.01.21

websites for online learning

Primary 1 Home Learning Packs have been made up and are available to collect from the main door of the school, if you wishPacks are located in a grey box, just outside the main door, so there is no need to enter the building. Packs contain resources to support your child during home learning. Attached below are some resources that are within the pack that you can choose to print out if you do not wish to collect a copy from school. Some resources can be made rather than printed. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any problems accessing these.

ALP single phoneme letters

100 grid

Number cards 0-5 Number cards 6-10 Number cards 11-16Number cards 17-20

Our email addresses are as follows-



Please leave a comment in response to this post so we can ensure everyone has access to this platform. Also please feel free to share all your fantastic learning with us this week. We love to see what you all get up to at home!

Have a lovely week Primary 1 and stay safe,

Miss Roy and Mrs HendersonNice Birthday Quotes For Kids Scrap Nice Wishes

22 thoughts on “Home Learning Week 1- wb 11.01.21”

  1. Thank for all your efforts so far. We’re looking forward to doing some home learning (in the short term, hopefully!)

      1. Hi. We logged into the Oxford Owl book. Is it meant to have audio telling the story? We couldn’t see the tab to put audio on.

  2. HAPPY NEW YEAR Miss Roy 🙂

    I hope you had a lovely holiday. What a start to 2021

    Thanks for the work! We will give it a go.

    Cheers Ev

  3. Thank you so much for all of your efforts with supporting our young learners ! Really appreciated. Amelia is VERY excited for the lives ! Thanks.

    1. I can’t wait to see some of your fabulous work, Amelia! Looking forward to seeing you on our first live meet also. More info on this will follow this week.

    1. Please let me know if you would like this emailed. Ive realised if accessing on a phone or tablet it can seem slightly cut off.

  4. Hi everyone,

    Hope you are all getting on ok ?
    Thanks Miss Roy for all your hard work .. I picked up the pack from the school too which is great.
    First day going ok 🤞but Kristian now asking when it’s tidy up time 😊 he says his missing all his friends and his teacher.

    1. Hi there,

      I am so glad day 1 is going well!
      I can’t wait to see all of your wonderful work, Kristian. I am missing you too.

      Miss Roy

  5. Thank you for the learning packs. Holly is keen to start some homework. She has been doing activity sheets I printed out for her and practicing writing her letters and numbers.
    Holly is missing class and her friends and keen to get back to school. I am trying to fit in at least one hour during the day that I can sit with her and do homework, but I am working full time from home at the same time. I give her activities to do, that I can watch from the other side of the table and we do some after dinner. I am definitely not Miss Roy. lol

    Take care x

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