What we’re doing to minimise carbon emission whilst encouraging active travel through walking, cycling and public transport.

Meet our Clean Green Transport Team:

P7s Brooke and Ruaridh are leading the Transport initiative.

Here is our Transport action plan for this session:

Our 2023/24 progress:

Road Safety Campaign

We were already planning to address the ongoing issue of safe parking and road safety around our school, as being situated on the busy A76, we have had many scares in our time. However, following the horrific accident resulting in the death of one of our beloved pupils, the fire inside us has been fuelled even more to ensure action is taken to make our roads safer around our school. We have worked alongside our Parent Council, creating Road Safety videos highlighting the 5 safe car parking zones within walking distance of our school and shared this on our communication platforms. We have sent out a questionnaire to our families to gather their views, the results of which our Clean Green Transport Team are taking to a Community Council meeting due to be held in June.


This session, we have registered as a Trailblazing school. The signage is around our town and our children are familiar with it. However, the staff member overseeing this and who was trained in it, has been off long term sick. Through CGS, we signed up to take part in Journey to Jupiter, so our gathering of S-Miles took over the Trailblazing initiative.

Journey to Jupiter

We have participated in Journey to Jupiter, recording and gathering S-Miles across all our classes over the weeks. This has been overseen by our Clean Green Transport Team.

‘Park at the pool, and let your kids walk to school’ 

Through our Road Safety video which we shared on our communication platforms and our Journey to Jupiter posters, we promoted the slogan ‘Park at the pool, let your kids walk to school!’ as we believe this to be the safest car park within walking distance of our school, as the parking bays are clearly marked. We have yet to establish our Walking Bus, but have joined forces with NCDT as they were keen to support us to run this. Our CGS team met with ‘Wheels of Fleet’, a bike bus initiative which successfully launched in Gatehouse of Fleet. They gave us information on how to establish a bike bus and helped us to identify possible cycle routes around New Cumnock. We are keen to develop this further next session with support from our NCDT partnership. We successfully ran Walk to School Week in May, with almost all our children taking part in the challenges set each day. This was overseen by our JRSOs.


Staff long term absence has impacted the Bikeability programme running this session. We need more teachers trained in it to make this sustainable

Next Steps:

Do we progress further with Trailblazers following our Journey to Jupiter success? Can we implement a walking bus or bike bus to promote active and safe travel? Ensure more staff are trained in Bikeability and provide training for current P6s next session.

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