Of A’ The Airts.

Of A’ The Airts.
Click the link below to access the link for  any children wishing to take part in the singing competition.

Welcome back Primary 6a!

We are now into term 3.  This term we will prepare for our Burns Supper, taking place on the 7th of February.  We will be learning, ‘Address to a Haggis’.  This will be used for our listening and talking assessment (criteria is enclosed in homework sheet).

Address to a Haggis

Homework 20.1.25

We will also prepare an ‘Immortal Memory of Robert Burns’, researching his life and writing a speech using what we have learned.

The Immortal Memory powerpoint

We also look forward to our class assembly, all about Kindness.  More information will be sent out in due course.

Here are our topics for this term;

P6 Term 3 Overview 2024-25

Christmas Show – Audition Songs

I have added the audition songs, so you can practice at home!  Good luck!

All girls parts;


All boy parts;

Welcome to Primary 6A!

Welcome to our P6A class blog page. Mrs Cowie and Mrs Mitchell will use this page to post information for our P6A class and families. Please click on the tabs above to explore our page!

Please remember that our P.E. days are Tuesday and Friday.  P.E. kit should be brought to school on these days and jewellery should be removed. Thank you. 

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