Children are able to come to school on Friday 26th October dressed in their Hallowe’en costumes. They can wear these for the whole day and will be taking part in a variety of Hallowe’en activities.
All posts by Mrs Marshall
Jigsaw Sheet
Term 1
We have got lots of exciting things ahead of us this term that will be keeping us very busy. We are looking forward to our new topic on George’s Marvellous Medicine and taking part in Christmas Enterprise.
To find out more about what we will be learning have a look at our Term 1 Jigsaw Sheet.
Cauliflower Cards
The children have been designing their own cards for the Cauliflower Cards. If you would like to order your child’s design then follow the instructions on the leaflet provided and return by Monday 8th October.
Snapshot Week
This week we are doing a variety of class jobs in our Snapshot jotter. This will be sent home on Friday for you to have a look at what we have been learning and to be returned on Monday 8th October.
Happy reading!
Signs of Autumn
Today we were looking in the school grounds for signs of Autumn. We then used this to help us start our Autumn paintings in the class.
As part of our weekly electives Mrs Marshall is looking for any donations of used or unwanted lego. If you are able to kindly donate please hand into the office at your earliest convenience.
Thank you very much for your help
Mrs Marshall
Sharing Our Learning
Parents of P4A are invited to come along to our class and meet the teacher and learn all about what we have been doing so far.
This will take place on Friday 14th September in Base 3 from 2.45-3.10pm. We look forward to seeing you.
Welcome to P4A
Welcome to our very own P4A blog. We will use this to show you what we are learning in class, what our weekly homework tasks are and any other important messages and information you need to know about.