Monday 15th June- Daily Tasks

Good morning P4. This is the second last week of school before the end of term. We have got something a little different for you to complete this week. Only one assignment will go live at 9am today and one again tomorrow from myself. You are going to spending the whole week planning a trip to Disney World in Florida. Each assignment will guide you through what you have to do. The most important thing is you have fun and enjoy yourselves. This is giving you the opportunity to be as creative as you can.


The only other piece of work I will set you is your Bug Club and the weekly Challenge Calendar will be on the Weekly Challenge Calendar Channel. I will be on here between 10-11am and 2-3pm to answer any questions you have regarding work or if you just need a chat. You have until Friday to complete all the assignments. Hope you all have a great day.


Walt Disney World- planning a trip 1

You are going to be spending the week planning a trip to Walt Disney World in Florida.  Follow the link below to see what you have to do and remember to have fun.  This will be your work for the whole week so only this will be uploaded today and another tomorrow.

If you find it difficult clicking on the links, you have to press the control button (Ctrl) and click with the mouse or keypad.  If you still can’t find it then just type what it says into the search bar in YouTube.

Walt Disney World 1

Bug Club  (to be completed by Friday 19th June)


Continue with your reading book and comprehension.  It is really important that you make sure you read the questions properly and try to answer in as much detail as you can.


Sparrows– Why Does Lightning Flash?   Swifts– Gross Things: From Your Head to Your Toes    Swans- Looking for Invisible Clues   Seagulls- Birds



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