Monday 1st June- Daily Tasks

Good morning P4. I hope you all had a super weekend in the lovely sunshine. We spent all our weekend playing in the garden, Eva in her paddling pool and having a BBQ.  I would love to hear what you have all been up to.

This morning your assignments will go live at 9am and I will be on here between 11-12pm and 2-3pm to answer any questions you have regarding work or if you just need a chat. They do not need to be completed until Wednesday giving you a few days to complete. Tuesday and Wednesday’s assignments will go live at 9am tomorrow.

This week is Virtual Sports Week where Mr Smith will be providing sports activities on the blog. There will be two activities each day which you will score. At the end of the week you have to email your scores to either your House Captain or Mr Smith and all the scores will be added together to find the overall Sports Week House Champions. Remember to check the school blog each day.


Numeracy 18th May

Multiplication/division flowers

Look at the link below to create your own multiplication/division flowers.  I would like to create one using either the 6x table or the 7x table.  When complete, practise your tables and ask a family member, when they are not too busy, to test you on both multiplication and division (for example what is 7 times 6 or what is 56 divided by 7).


Literacy 18th May

Weekly spelling words

sign     gnome     design     gnaw     reign

Common words

list     most     must     high     late

Look over your weekly spelling words and practise these with a family member.  Try and challenge yourself and see what other ‘gn’ (as in sign) words you can find.



Complete the worksheet using the links below.

*You do not need to copy out the worksheet if you don’t have a printer.  Just complete the work on the sheet on a piece of paper*

Sparrows PCM

Swifts PCM

Swans PCM

Seagulls PCM


Bug Club  (to be completed by Friday 5th June)

Continue with your reading book and comprehension.  It is really important that you make sure you read the questions properly and try to answer in as much detail as you can.


Sparrows– How do they make … Bikes   Swifts– Earth’s Amazing Environments  Swans- About Earth    Seagulls- Mixed-up Myths


*Remember you can upload each part as you do it.  You can then go back to completed assignments and add more work as you go along*


Challenge Calendar

*This is an optional assignment*

Each week I will upload the weekly challenge calendar in the new Weekly Challenge Calendar Channel. This way you can chat about or upload any photos of your challenges for your classmates to see.  It also means you can view the calendar each day to remind you of the challenges.


Kindness Path- rock painting

In my hometown there is a group called Annick Rocks!  Boys and girls paint rocks and hide them around the town for others to find.  When you find one you take it and hide it somewhere new for someone else to find.  Unfortunately due to what is happening just now it is not safe for boys and girls to pick up stones, so instead they have been painting their stones and creating a kindness path in the park leading to a fairy garden.  I thought it would be a lovely idea if you all painted your own and started your own kindness path at home for your own garden.  When we return to school, and it is safe to do so, we can bring our rocks in and make a kindness path in the school garden.  Happy painting!

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