Good morning P4A! I hope that you are all well and happy. It sounds like most of you had a lovely Easter break and I look forward to reading about that.
The tasks for today will go live at 10am as usual, as well as the tasks for Friday, so that you and your parents can manage work as suits your family. Remember that parents have work to do too and that you can only ask for their help in between their own work. Be kind to each other so that nobody in your family falls out!
Thursday 23 April – Literacy Tasks
Please write out your Spelling words for this week 3 times (checking of course that the spelling was correct the first time!). Then upload this to Teams.
You should let me know if you are unable to load to Teams so that I can check your eportfolio separately. As far as I am aware, no one in our class has needed to use eportfolios rather than Teams so I shall not be checking these unless you let me know otherwise.
For your Writing Exercise this week, I should like you to use the Easter words you have learned (or new ones if you wish) to write at least two paragraphs about the real meaning of Easter. You may consult the Internet, books or an adult but please write the explanation in your own words. Please then upload to Teams.
Thursday 23 April – Numeracy Tasks
I should like you to play the Hit The Button (Topmarks) Time Games. This relates to your Time work. You don’t need to upload anything but please hit “hand in” on Teams so that I know you have done this work.
Textbook Work
Please complete Page 87 of SHM with the focus on Time.
You should write or type this and upload to Teams.
Thursday 23 April – French
We are revising the names for family in French. Please find attached some labels for family names. Please look at these and try to learn some of them.
Then, please draw some pictures of your family on paper/computer. Then label them with the French names. You can add any other family members you like (look at Google for help).
Please upload this to Teams.
Thursday 23 April – PE
There is also a PE activity to do, if you haven’t already done it.
Remember, it’s ok if you cant manage all the work, do what you can.
I shall be online from 10 till 11 then 1.30 till 2.30. Let me know if you need help or a chat.
Take lots of care and have a super day!
Mrs Green