Wednesday 25th March daily tasks

Good morning P4.  Yesterday we had a bit more of a successful day 🙂 We will try to keep going in Teams and completing assignments given to you, however if you are still not able to access the assignments I have put today’s work on our class blog for you to see.  You can then either upload the tasks to your own e-portfolios or on the posts in Teams.


Numeracy 25th March- Fractions

Fractions work- complete only Exercise 3 in Chapter 10.  Write it out, take a picture of it and upload to your e-portfolio or on Teams.

*The Chapter 10 exercise is in the Maths Homework tab on here.

Literacy 25th March- fun spelling

Select any activity from the grid. Use words from your weekly spelling words and any ‘ey’ words you have found on your own. Write it out, take a picture of it and upload to your e-portfolio or on Teams.




Practise the alphabet in cursive handwriting and then joins to the letter ‘s’ – as/ds/es/is/ks/ls/ts/us. Write it out, take a picture of it and upload to your e-portfolio or on Teams.

You can also fill your day with some leisure reading, Bug Club reading, Joe Wick’s daily PE session and anything else you want to do as a family such as baking, snuggling on the sofa watching a movie or being creative.  Remember this is a time for you to stay safe and do enjoyable things at home as well as completing some school work.
Some of you were having difficulty downloading the Teams app to your own desktop yesterday but remember when it asks you to put in your username you must type it in with at the end of it.
I hope you all have a super day, even though the rain has come on, and I will be available to answer any questions between 11.30-12.30pm and 2-3pm on Teams.

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