Monday 23rd March
Please log in to GLOW and go on to Microsoft Teams on your Launch pad. There you will be able to communicate with me.
Mrs Hope
Monday 16th March
- Practise reading and spelling ‘au’ words: sauce, because, applaud, pause, haunt, fault. Common words: week, keep, when.
- One task from homework literacy grid.
- Continue to practise assembly parts for Friday please!
- Bug Club reading – Diamonds: Fun and Mix-ups!; Sapphires: The Mermaids Visit the Vet; Rubies: Bug Boy: Spider Camp; Emeralds: Make an Egg Card.
- If you have time, practise your 2, 5 or 10 x table! I have put some videos on the numeracy section of our blog.
Thank you!
Monday 9th March
This week we will revise some of our previous sounds.
- Please select some of the words from the sheet sent home that you find tricky and practise them using activities from the homework literacy grid.
- If you have a speaking part in our class assembly please practise this until you are confident.
- Bug Club reading – Diamonds – My skateboarding scrapbook; Sapphires – Jay and Sniffer: The Cake Sale Goo; Rubies – This is my Pet; Emeralds – Timmy’s Snowball
- Also, if anyone has any wellies that no longer fit please bring these in for us to upcycle.
Thank you!
Monday 2nd March
Due to World of Work week, there will be no new sound.
This week’s homework tasks:
- Bug Club reading – Diamonds – Superman and the robots; Sapphires – My shoes; Rubies – Spot the shape; Emeralds – King Pip and the Troll
- Practise 2 and 5 times tables. Write them out, ask an adult to test you or play hit the button https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
- If possible, could the children bring in any old plastic bottles or cartons please? We have been learning about recycling and are going to make some 3D models. Also, if anyone has any old wellies that no longer fit I would be grateful if we could have these too.
Thank you!
Mrs Hope
Monday 24th February
This week’s homework tasks are as following:
- Practise reading and spelling ‘oi’ words: boil, spoil, foil, toilet, join, moist. Common words: their, some, then, last.
- Solo talk preparation for Monday 2nd March – please see sheet sent home last week.
- Make it happen sheet – design your own app. Visitors came in last week to explain this to pupils so they should know what to do.
- Reading – as I will be doing a short book study with the children over the next few weeks, Bug Club reading will be done as homework only. All the same skills will be developed in class through our book study. Diamonds – Kipper for Skipper; Sapphires – Football; Rubies – Pippa Pet’s runaway pony; Emeralds – Grow a Flower
Thank you!
Monday 17th February
This week’s homework tasks are as following:
- Practise reading and spelling ‘aw’ words, completing one task from the homework literacy grid: saw, jaw, draw, hawk, crawl, awful. Common words: very, took, fast, there.
- Solo talk preparation for Monday 2nd March – please see the sheet sent home.
- Avatar design sheet – design a cartoon version of yourself that could help you stay safe online.
- Reading – as I will be doing a short book study with the children over the next few weeks, Bug Club reading will be done as homework only. All the same skills will be developed in class through our book study. Diamonds – Goldilocks and the clever plan; Sapphires – Grow it Back!; Rubies – This Dinosaur; Emeralds – Look Outside
Thank you!
Thursday 13th February
I hope everyone had a nice break!
There will be no formal homework as it is a short week. Please use this time to catch up on Bug Club books and revise previous sounds using the homework literacy grid (ue, ow, ea, ay, qu)
Thank you!
Monday 3rd February
This week’s homework tasks:
- Practise reading and spelling ‘ue’ words: blue, glue, true, clue, Sue. Common words: best, number, other.
- One task from homework literacy grid.
- Maths – fractions worksheet
- Bug Club reading: Diamonds – Colourful Creatures; Sapphires – Slick Tricks; Rubies – Shaun the Sheep – What a Mess!; Emeralds – Eco Apes Grow Food.
Thank you.
I hope everyone has a lovely holiday!
Monday 27th January
Well done to everyone for performing their poem in front of the class last week – you were all super!
This week’s homework tasks are as following:
- Practise reading and spelling ‘ow’ words: low, grow, throw, follow, shallow, show. Common words: yellow, again, food.
- One task from homework literacy grid (please let me know if you need another copy of this or a new wordsearch or graffiti wall.)
- Maths – please continue to work on speed and accuracy of number bonds to 10 or 20 by accessing ‘Hit the Button’ https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
- Bug Club reading: Diamonds – Dino-Sitting; Sapphires – Jay and Sniffer: The Bike Race; Rubies – Zip and Zap meet the Sam; Emeralds – Rat and Cat: Let’s Jump!
Thank you!
Monday 20th January
This week’s homework tasks:
- Practise reading and spelling ‘ea’ words: speak, clean, steal, team, stream, eat, wheat. Common words – each, ask, year.
- Continue to practise Scots’ poem ‘The Magic Pizza’. I have put a digital copy on the welcome page of the blog in case anyone has lost it. Please try to learn this poem for Friday if you can.
- Maths worksheet – fractions
- Bug Club reading – Diamonds – Adventure Kids: Escape in Egypt; Sapphires – The Mermaids and the Dolphin; Rubies – Butterflies; Emeralds – Fix it, twins!
Monday 13th January
This week’s homework tasks:
- Practise reading and spelling ‘ay’ words: day, tray, play, stay, prayer, way, clay. Common Words – away, always, today.
- Practise Scots poem ‘The Magic Pizza.’
- Maths game (Squares, circles, triangles) – focus on subtraction. You can choose any option up to 20 or even try some up to 100! https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/mental-maths-train
- Maths game (Hexagons) Select level 3 and have a go at subtraction up to 3 digits https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10
- Bug Club Reading – Diamonds – Great Cities: Exploring London; Sapphires – Ballet; Rubies – Bug Boy – Slug Picnic; Emeralds – King Pip and the Dark Wood.
Monday 6th January 2020
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and you are all ready to start working hard again this year! I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who gave me a present or who gave a donation to the local food bank on my behalf – it was such a lovely gift. The flowers are still looking great on my dining room table – they have lasted ages!
This week’s homework is as following:
- Practise reading and spelling ‘qu’ words: quick, square, queen, quiz, quarter, quilt, quit. Common Words – said, could, her, before.
- One task from homework literacy grid (please let me know if you need another copy of this or a new wordsearch or graffiti wall.)
- Maths revision – addition/subtraction worksheet
- Bug Club reading
Mrs Hope
Monday 9th December
This week’s homework tasks are as following:
- Winter poem and comprehension sheet. Please read the poem to your child before trying the question sheet (some pupils may need support with reading the questions)
- Christmas doubles colouring sheet/Hexagons – Christmas multiplication colouring sheet
- If there are any phonemes from last week you are still finding tricky please continue to practise these using the homework literacy grid. (wh, ph, ee, oo, ck, ai, oy, oa)
There will be no homework next week so please feel free to complete these tasks over this week and next. I will not be expecting them for Friday considering the children will be very busy with Nativity this week!
Mrs Hope
Monday 2nd December
This week’s homework tasks:
- Revision of phonemes: wh, ph, ee, oo, ck, ai, oy, oa. Try to come up with words that contain these phonemes and practise them using the homework literacy grid (or scroll back through the homework page to find the specific words we have covered)
- Common word revision. These are the words most pupils are finding trickiest in class: said, have, made, before, came, could, new. Practise reading and spelling these words.
- Bug Club reading books will remain the same this week as we still have some activities to complete in class! Please use this time to catch up on any books you still have not covered in your library.
Thank you!
Monday 25th November
This week’s homework tasks:
- One task from the homework literacy grid.
- Practise reading and spelling ‘oa’ phoneme words: boat, foal, coat, road, float, loan, goat. Common words: said, off, made, make.
- Maths – pupils have been assigned a maths game on Bug Club. As we have been revising number bonds to 10, you could also practise this song on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lD9tjBUiXs0
- Bug Club reading
Thank you.
Monday 18th November
This week’s homework tasks are as following:
- One task from the homework literacy grid.
- Practise reading and spelling ‘oy’ phoneme words: toy, boy, joy, enjoy, royal, cowboy. Common words: her, before, our, down.
- Maths – please follow the link to ‘Hit the Button’, focusing on number bonds (addition up to 10 or 20) This is to develop speed and accuracy. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
- Bug Club reading
Thank you!
Monday 11th November
This week’s homework tasks are as following:
- One task from the homework literacy grid.
- Practise reading and spelling ‘ai’ phoneme words: stair, hair, chair, rain, brain, train, stain. Common words: all, came, here, him.
- Maths worksheet on length (adult support may be required if possible!) If you have one, use a ruler or measuring tape to help. If not let me know and I can give out a resource. Hexagons – try to write exact measurements beside your answer!
- Bug Club reading
Monday 4th November
This week’s homework tasks are as following:
- One task from the homework literacy grid.
- Practise reading and spelling ‘ck’ phoneme words: sack, back, neck, peck, pick, bucket, rocket. Common words – said, could, her, before.
- Maths – Please continue to work on place value by clicking on the following link to ‘Place Value Basketball.’ Feel free to select any numbers up to 99 or beyond if you want a challenge. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/place-value-basketball
- Bug Club reading – there have been issues with some of the books recently but hopefully they should be resolved this week. Please let me know if you have any more problems.
Thank you!
Monday 28th October
This week’s homework tasks:
- One task from the homework literacy grid.
- Practise reading and spelling ‘oo’ phoneme words: zoo, mood, fool, spoon, look, stool, cook. Common words – have, your, only, by
- Maths – we have been looking at partitioning 2 and 3 digit numbers. Please follow the link below and have a go at ‘Place Value charts’ on Topmarks. It is your choice whether you select numbers or words. Try tens and units (TU), but if you want to challenge yourself you could try hundreds, tens and units – some pupils have even been trying thousands in class!
- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/place-value/place-value-charts
- Bug Club reading
Tuesday 22nd October
Hello everyone, I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing holiday! This week’s homework tasks are as following:
- One task from the homework literacy grid.
- Practise reading and spelling ‘ee’ phoneme words: see, green, three, sleep, feel, need, deep. Common words: are, come, of, new.
- Maths – Before the holidays we were working on rounding to the nearest 10 using a number line. Please follow the link below and have a go of ‘Rocket Rounding’. Make sure and select numbers up to 99 with a number line, but if you want to try it without a number line feel free!
- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/rocket-rounding
- Bug Club reading
Monday 7th October
This week’s homework tasks:
- One task from the homework literacy grid.
- Practise reading and spelling ‘ph’ phoneme words: Phil, phone, phoneme, elephant, alphabet, photograph, dolphin. Common Words: are, come, of, new.
- Maths – Ordering numbers sheet
- Bug Club reading – if you have forgotten log in details please let me know and I will write them in your child’s homework diary.
Monday 30th September
Hello everyone, I am looking forward to spending my first full week with P2B! This week’s homework tasks are as following:
- One task from the homework literacy grid.
- Practise reading and spelling ‘wh’ phoneme words: what, wheel, whisk, when, why, whisper, whiskers. Common Words: are, come, of, new.
- Maths – number words sheet (up to 20 this time)
- Bug Club reading
Wednesday 25th September 2019
Hello everyone, I hope you had a good long weekend! As it is a short week, the pupils will be doing some revision for homework:
- Revise ‘sh’, ‘ch’, ‘th’ and ‘ng’ phonemes using a different activity from the homework grid – ship, shop, chip, chat, thin, think, three, ring, thing, sting and common words – have, your, only, by
- Practise reading and spelling these words.
- Number words worksheet
- Reading books will remain the same as some groups still have activities to complete in class.
Mrs Hope
Monday 16th September 2019
Hello everyone! This weeks homework tasks are as following:
- One task from the homework literacy grid.
- Practise reading and spelling ‘ng’ phoneme words – strong, ring, thing, string, bang, bring, sting. Common spelling words – have, only, by, your
- Odd and Even numbers – recognising which numbers are odd and which are even. There are some good interactive games on the Topmarks website – Coconut Odd and Even.
- Bug Club Reading.
Monday 26th August 2019
Hello everyone! Today we have issued our first Literacy homework tasks. Within the homework packs you should find the following:
- A grid detailing fun literacy activities to practise at home.
- A blank word search sheet.
- A blank graffiti wall sheet.
- A homework diary.
- A spelling list detailing this week’s words.
- A ‘word attacks’ bookmark to assist with home tasks.
I’m aware that things have the potential to be lost in transit, and so if you require any replacement resources, please do let me know! In the homework diaries, you will find a short explanation of how the homework pack can be used at home.
There is no expectation that these tasks should all be completed and returned; they are very much meant as a way to ease us back into practicing at home. If you require any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Happy practising!
Mr. Beattie