Mr D Falconer – Head Teacher
Mr Falconer has overall responsibility for the strategic and operational leadership and management of the school to deliver educational improvement objectives. He is responsible for the management of resources including finance, staffing and property and ensuring Health and Safety within Loudoun Academy. Mr Falconer leads on the school Vision, Values and Aims, as well as areas such as self-evaluation for self-improvement, collaborative leadership of learning and school improvement planning. Mr Falconer is a Senior Officer of East Ayrshire Council and is Advisor to the Parent Council and the wider Parent Forum.
Mr Falconer is also the Senior Leadership Team link for the Mathematics Department, the School Office and Campus Police Officer.
Each member of the Senior Leadership Team has a strategic area of responsibility, as well as overall stage responsibility for designated pupils within year groups or other sections of the school. All Depute Head Teachers have link responsibility with specific departments.
Ms L Boyd – Depute Head Teacher (Acting)
Learner Participation, Pathways and Partnerships
Ms Boyd has stage responsibility for students in S1 and S6. Her remit also includes primary-secondary transition arrangements, school-college partnership courses, and a wide range of programmes which develop employability and skills, including work experience. Ms Boyd has a lead role in ensuring positive destinations post-school. She also has strategic leadership of learning, teaching and assessment as well as student leadership in its many forms. Ms Boyd is the school Excursion coordinator, leading the extra-curricular programme, Evacuation procedures and other delegated aspects of Health & Safety. She is responsible for promoting students’ wider achievements and celebrating success. Ms Boyd is the link DHT for Music, Social Subjects, Language & RME, Home Economics and Physical Education departments.
Mrs L Egerton – Depute Head Teacher
Pupil Support and Health & Wellbeing
Mrs Egerton has stage responsibility for students in S2 and S3. Her remit also includes leadership of the Principal Teacher of Pupil Support Team. She leads on Health and Wellbeing for students and staff, the Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) programme and our Promoting Positive Relationships and Bullying and Equalities strategy. She has overall responsibility for Mental Health Supports, and is the Senior Leadership Team link to our Educational Psychologist and Exchange Counselling Service. She is also responsible for wellbeing supports for staff and daily absence cover. Mrs Egerton also leads the development of our House system, including Assemblies, as well as parental engagement and family learning programmes.
Mr B Hendry – Depute Head Teacher
Curriculum, Qualification and Attainment
Mr Hendry has stage responsibility for students in S4 and S5. He is responsible for all aspects of Reporting to parents and carers, and Monitoring and Tracking student progress across each stage. Mr Hendry has responsibility for Standardised Assessments which support our understanding of students’ progress at key stages, and leads on improvements in attainment for literacy and numeracy. He coordinates a number of interventions to support students’ overall attainment in courses, and is the school’s SQA Coordinator, managing all aspects of students’ presentations and awards in National Qualifications. Mr Hendry leads on curriculum design and is the school’s timetabler, responsible for coordinating the Option Choice process at all stages. Mr Hendry is the Senior Leadership Team link for external courses provided through the South West Educational Improvement Collaborative (SWEIC) as well as Open University Courses delivered in school. He is establishment lead for GTCS Professional Update for staff, as well as the professional learning of staff and Student and Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs). Mr Hendry leads digital learning and our ICT provision. He is the link Depute Head Teacher to the English, Science, Art & Design and Technical departments and the ICT Technician.
Mrs L Whiteside
Additional Support Needs, Inclusion & Equity
Mrs Whiteside has stage responsibility for all students S1-S6 in our Communication Centre. Mrs Whiteside leads the team of Principal Teachers of Communication Centre, and Principal Teacher of Support for Learning and our team of Principal Teacher (Acting) Equity team. She is also line manager to the team of Classroom Assistants. Mrs Whiteside is the Safeguarding and Child Protection Officer and the establishment lead for Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) and multiagency working. She leads on arrangements for students with additional support needs, care experienced young people and on all aspects of inclusion. Mrs Whiteside is responsible for the implementation of our whole school Attendance Policy & Procedures. She is the establishment lead for PREVENT, The Promise and Cost of the School Day. Mrs Whiteside is the Senior Leadership Team link to our Family Link Workers, and to Education Services – Inclusion Review Group (IRG).