As a school, it’s been a super busy week with lots and lots going on. We’ve had a total of three trips out of school– S5/6 at Alton Towers, Modern Studies pupils at the Scottish Parliament, and a trip to see & Juliet the musical in Edinburgh. All came back with great reports on how well the young people represented the school, and we even had great comments from members of the public to staff commending our students.

We’ve also had our S3 Careers Fayre, anti-bullying week and to top it off, Children in Need fundraising activities today. Each of these have been so positive and enjoyed by staff and students alike. I would like to thank staff for their tremendous commitment to our students to make these events happen, and to our young people who are outstanding at every turn. Well done everyone!



Recently we observed Remembrance with our Senior Students selling poppies to staff and pupils, and there was an excellent bake sale run by students which alone collected £128 – a fantastic achievement. Our School Captains Grace, Callum and Mhairi joined Mrs Egerton, Depute Head Teacher to pay respects at the Galston War Memorial parade and service on Remembrance Sunday and on Monday 11 November 2024, we observed the minute’s silence as a school community. Next week, a range of students will see the Poppy Scotland ‘Bud’ mobile museum will be visiting Loudoun Academy on Monday 18 November 2024.

I also wanted to share with parents and carers that I have received contact from Kilmarnock Branch RBLS / Poppy Appeal Scotland about their experiences of our young people in Galston while collecting for this year’s appeal. They gave the highest of praise to our students, in their conduct, attitude, respect and in their generosity too. This is such great feedback and very well deserved for our young people. I am sure you will be just as proud as I am.



This year S1 students are working in RME to make gift packages for Women’s Aid in Kilmarnock. They are looking for donations of items including toiletries, sweets and chocolates, mindfulness colouring books and pencils, and fluffy socks and any other gift ideas. They are also looking for empty shoeboxes and any spare wrapping paper too. The students will make these up to give to Women’s Aid as part of their Christmas support for women and families affected by domestic abuse. All donations gratefully received.



NHS Ayrshire & Arran nurses will be in school on Monday 18 November 2024, and Tuesday 19 November 2024 to deliver flu vaccinations to S1-S6 students who have given consent – pupils must bring these forms with them if they have not already done so. Arrangements have been shared with students ahead of the programme. I would wish to draw attention to the letter attached specifically for children and young people with asthma.



A quick reminder S4 Parents Evening is on Wednesday 20 November 2024, from 4.15 p.m. to 6.45 p.m. with information going to the Main Contact email address for students on our records to book appointments on the online system. In addition, S4-6 Tracking Reports are due to be issued early next week with an up-to-date picture of progress at this stage in courses.


Best wishes

David Falconer

Head Teacher


“Be the reason someone believes in the goodness in people.”

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