The Senior Phase Assessment Diet (prelims) begin next week for two weeks, with students receiving all necessary information at Assemblies led by Mr Hendry, Depute Head Teacher – copies of these slides are on the Safer Scotland Schools App. All students should have personalised exam timetables, and should otherwise attend normal classes. Best of luck to all our young people at this critical stage.
This week I met with all year groups to explore our School Value of ‘Determination’. I spoke about how our society often misrepresents ‘success’ based on it being either instant or based on talent alone. I encouraged young people to ‘believe to achieve’, set ambitious but realistic targets, and to persevere in the face of challenge. The Assembly considered how we use feedback to help us to improve. The most talked about reference afterwards was my reference to the ‘inner Gremlin’, the voice we all have which tells us we can’t do something, particularly under pressure, and how to address this. We will develop our focus on the School Value of ‘Determination’ throughout the course of this term.
A very brief reminder that all students must be smartly dressed for school. There are a range of flexible options including school badged polo/sweatshirt/hoodie, black or white school shirt and tie and blazer with black trousers, plain black leggings or black skirt with black tights. Designer and branded clothing, non-school branded hoodies, crop tops, tracksuits, sports tops and other items which have no identifiable school uniform are not permitted. Almost all young people are returning to the new term showing high standards and we will begin again uniform checks for each year group next week onwards, addressing any concerns home on a daily basis. Thanks for our ongoing support – it does make a difference.
Letters will shortly be provided via the school from NHS Ayrshire & Arran for pupils who missed the Human Pampillomavirus (HPV) immunisation programme. All students who have still to get the jag will get a letter and I would be grateful if all parents and carers involved could return the consent form, even if they do not wish their child to receive the vaccination.
Just a few dates coming up for your diary:
Monday 20 January 2025, 6.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. – S2/3 Option Choice Information Evening
Tuesday 28 January 2025, 4.15 p.m. to 6.45 p.m. – S2 Parents’ Evening
Tuesday 4 February 2025, 6.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. – S4/5 Option Choice Information Evening
Wednesday 5 February 2025, 6.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. – Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Showcase Evening
Thursday 6 February 2025, 6.45 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. – Parent Council Meeting
Monday 10 February 2025 – Local Holiday
Tuesday 11 February 2025 – Inservice Day 4
Best wishes
David Falconer
Head Teacher