Well done to our Senior Pupils, some of whom have already undertaken prelims in some of their practical subjects this week. Please find attached the main timetable for the Assessment Diet which takes place for two weeks, commencing Monday 13 January 2025. Students should follow their normal timetable when they do not have a prelim exam to take.


As we have recently reverted to three Depute Head Teachers as is our Core Allocation as a school, there will be a revised remit responsibility for the Senior Leadership Team effective 6 January 2025.

  • Ms Boyd, Depute Head Teacher (Acting) has whole school strategic responsibility for Learning and Skills, and will continue to be year head for primary transition and stage S1 and S6 pupils;
  • Mrs Egerton, Depute Head Teacher has whole school strategic responsibility for Wellbeing and Inclusion and will be year head for stage S2 and now S4 pupils;
  • Mr Hendry, Depute Head Teacher has whole school strategic responsibility for Curriculum and Attainment, and will be year head for stage S3 and S5 pupils.

Year heads also have responsibility for pupils in their stages within the Communication Centre. Moving forwards, year groups will remain with their Depute Head Teacher throughout their school journey from S2 to S5.

I hope this information is helpful at this time.


As you know, we recently changed the approach to addressing concerns with pupils and their parents and carers by noting a Demerit and communicating this home. The objective is that with parental support, any issues can be ‘nipped in the bud’.

I would wish to clarify that in most cases, this will follow the model of ongoing support, a reminder, a warning and consequence. In some situations, it is appropriate for staff to move to the warning stage directly.

Also, for Ready, which includes not handing in homework, being late or out of class or not wearing school uniform, the Demerit will be issued without the above steps being in place.

Should parents or carers have any questions about Demerits, the School Office will forward this to the appropriate member of staff to respond.

Again, I would wish to highlight that almost all students in the school have no Demerits at this stage in the year, which reflects on excellent relationships across the school and very good conduct and engagement in almost all cases.


Look out next week for our half-termly SWAY, packed with lots and lots of great success stories of our young people in the last couple of months in a range of activity. Coming soon!


Well done to our S6 Leadership students who organised a festive Candy Cane gift messaging service for pupils, a staff Secret Santa, a Christmas-themed lunch for staff in Barista, and next week, an S1 Disco on Wednesday 18 December 2024 during Period 6-7 – sign up via PSE. Superb team effort, making such a positive difference for other young people and the staff!


A quick reminder school will close for the End of Term on Friday 20 December 2024, slightly earlier at 2.30 p.m. with transport in place for students who need this. We are hoping for high attendance throughout the course of the week until this point.


Best wishes

David Falconer

Head Teacher



“Sometimes it only takes one act of kindness and caring to change a person’s life”

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