I would be grateful if all parents and carers read the information communicated by letter earlier today, which can be accessed via the Latest News Section of the School App. It provides an important update on the context of the Senior Leadership Team at Loudoun Academy in the near future.


This week we had S1-S6 students at House Assemblies led by Principal Teachers of Pupil Support. The main focus was on how we build a positive ethos in the school, to encourage young people to take part in opportunities and to be involved. Students also heard a proposal from staff on a Merits system where positive engagement would lead to termly rewards.

Should any young person need support with any aspect of school, they should access their Principal Teacher of Pupil Support or Principal Teacher of Communication in the first instance and the team are almost always available Period 1 in the day to do this in the House classrooms.


At Assemblies, there were some key expectations set out around attendance at school. We know that young people learn and achieve best when they have good school attendance. Where there are attendance issues, this can limit progress, decrease confidence and impact on wider opportunities for achievement and social and emotional skills. Of course, there can be very legitimate reasons why students would not be attending school, but as a guideline:

Good = 95% on average (only two weeks missed from school)

Satisfactory = 90% on average (four weeks missing from school)

Cause for concern = 85% on average or less (six weeks missed from school).

We will shortly be in touch with any parents or carers of young people under the thresholds above to offer further supports where these are helpful and also set targets for improved attendance in the coming weeks.



This week, Ms Boyd – Depute Head Teacher (Acting) and I visited S1 students in a wide range of classes. We were both very impressed by how well the new intake have settled and the great work underway at secondary. Well done new S1- We have high hopes for your time at Loudoun!


Next week will see the appointment of our School Captains, Vice Captains and House Captains as well as specific Champions in a range of areas. We also will hold our very first Student Representative Council meeting, with representatives from each registration class. This is a hugely exciting development and places children’s rights and student voice at the heart of future change within the school.



Over the last week, our Magic Breakfast provision has got up and running in the Assembly Hall before the school day, with students able to access toast, bagels and pancakes and other breakfast items, free of charge. Uptake has been very good and will make sure that all young people are ready to learn in the mornings. We will work with young people to develop the offer as we move it forwards. Thanks to the team of staff leading this initiative.


Please find attached the programme of clubs and activities running at the start of the new term. We have lots going on throughout the week in different departments and we strongly encourage every student to join at least one. Extra_Curricular_Timetable_2024.25


Just a quick reminder that if you have not managed to do so, could the updated Annual Data Check please be with the School Office as soon as possible. It is so important we have the correct details for each student. Many thanks for your support with this.


A quick reminder also that The Support for Learning department are holding a Parent and Carer Open Afternoon for S1 students in the wider school with an additional support need. This will take place on Tuesday 10 September 2024 between 2.15 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.

I hope you have a lovely weekend and enjoy some of the nice weather to come in the next few days.

David Falconer

Head Teacher

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