Home Learning 14.01.21


Good morning Primary 2/3.

Please email me if you have any questions about any of your tasks.  If you haven’t picked up your pack you can collect it from school. Please send me in any of your work, I had a couple of messages from some of you and it was lovely to see your hard work.

Have a look inside your packs but please don’t begin to work through any of the worksheets as Mrs Deans will let you know what you need to do and when.

Have a great day!! Mrs Webb J

My email address is – eacaroline.webb@glow.sch.uk


Here is the link for actitives for the Scotland topic if you need it again. Remember just dip into these as you please.

Scotland IDL


Continue with your sumdog challenge this week. It might not come up straight away but it will be in tasks. 250 coins up for grabs!! You have untill Wed the 20th to complete.



Yesterday we were looking at sharing quantities into equal groups. Today we are going to be looking at splitting shapes to make two equal parts.

Here is one whole circle.

Here is two halves. If we we put these two halves together it makes 1 whole.



Your task today is to take out this worksheet from your pack – it has a number 1 at the top. With supervision – Carefully cut each shape out and experiment with it by folding each shape in half. If each half is the same size/shape then they should be equal.



You can draw a line down the middle like I have and you can carefully cut them in half to check they are both equal. Stick them into your jotter when you have finished.



Today we are looking at odd and even numbers. In our house we always have lots of odd socks!

Below is a bundle of odd socks – they don’t have partners.

Now that I have paired them up, they are no longer odd.


Lets try again with these odd socks…

Oh no! I have one odd sock, it does not have a partner!

Below are counters from 1 to 10. If you can pair the counters – its an even number, if you can’t it is odd.

1 is odd

2 is even

3 is odd

4 is even

5 is odd

6 is even

7 is odd

8 is even

9 is odd

10 is even

You can try pair up different quanties with any objects you have in the house. A quick way to remember what an even/odd number is, is below.

Even numbers end in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 regardless of how many digits they have (we know the number 5,917,624 is even because it ends in a 4!)

Odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9

Click the link for a task to do. You can copy this sheet into your jotters.

odd and even numbers


Click on the link below

The Loch Ness Monster



Tomorrow we are going to create a newspaper report about this exciting sighting but first we need to plan out what we are going to write. Have a look at the following link and fill in your plan. You can re write this into your jotter. I have completed one as an example. I’m not looking for lots of writing – just little notes that will help you when you come to write it up tomorrow. Tomorrow you will add more detail.

My Newspaper article planning page

My Newspaper article planning page example

Mrs Webb 🙂

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