Home Learning 24.5.21


Our new phoneme is split phoneme o-e. Here is our spelling list:

Can you think of more o-e words to add to the list? How many of them can you use in one sentence?


Each group will have a new book allocated to their account as it is introduced in class.

Ladybirds- Horribilly- Swampy Mess

Glow-worms- The Mermaids and the Perfect Presents

Spiders- Can you see me? https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/login?active-tab=students username– loga password– pr23


Triangles and squares have been working on adding using the column method and are now dealing with exchange.

We have done lots of practise to help us understand that exchange means a swap for something of equal value. If we have more than 9 units we need to exchange 10 for 1 ten. More than 9 tens means an exchange for 1 hundred.

We have learned that with this type of calculation we always have to start in the units column. The first thing we have to do is 7+5.

7+5 = 12  so needs to be written in as 1 ten and 2 units as shown above.

The tens need to be added next with the exchanged amount added in. 3+2+1=6.

It is also very important that we keep the tens and units in the correct columns when writing in our answers. Here are some calculations to try.

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