Home learning 25.01.21

Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Today we will be having our Vscene check-in at 11am. I hope you can all make it!

Today is Robert Burns’ birthday! Here is a wee activity about Robert Burns for you.

Robert Burns Poetry


ow phoneme sway

For your spelling today

  • go over all phonemes covered so far
  • watch the video of your new phoneme
  • Work on formation of oa
  • Listen to the phoneme story
  • Use your oa phoneme word maker
  • Read and spell all words on your list.


Each group has been allocated a new book in Bug Club. Your tasks for today:

  • Log in to your Bug Club account and find your new book.
  • Read the words in the inside cover and make a flashcard for any words you are having difficulty with.
  • Read your story.
  • Answer all the bug questions on the pages.

Ladybirds- Shaun the Sheep: Too Many Jobs!

Glow-worms- Eco Apes Grow Food

Spiders- Can You See Cat?


Last week when we did our before and after work, I noticed that a lot of you were needing a wee bit of work on writing the days of the week and months of the year. We have done a lot of work in class on saying the days and months but not much on writing them. We’ll do days today and months tomorrow along with mental maths. Please complete the tasks below for days of the week.

Days of the Week

Days of the week before and after

Number Formation Rhymes (in case any of you need it again)


East Ayrshire staff are offering families the opportunity to come and join in for a range of live online sessions. Click the link below to see the time table for the week. The first session is on Tuesday 26th January at 10.30am and repeated again at 1.30 allowing you to choose a time that suits best.  Click the links below for more details and how to access. Please follow the guidance if you would like to access it – not the link on our blog.

EA Live Family sessions wk 1

Live sessions Parent -carer Guidance Document

I’m looking forward to getting all your emails with your hard work! Have a great day everyone!

Mrs Deans 🙂