Home Learning 22.01.21

Happy Friday everyone!! Well done you have all made it to the end of another busy week. We hope you are enjoying your learning at home and taking lots of well deserved breaks through out the day.

It was so lovely to be able to chat with some of you on Vscene yesterday. We will be meeting again today at 11am, everyone is welcome. Bring your whiteboards and pens with you and we will have some fun. Remember you do not need to have your cameras switched on, it is your choice.


I hope you managed to have a little look at the website yesterday. Here is a Scots language quiz for you. Do you know any other Scots language? Do any of your family members know any?

Scots language 1


Continue with your sumdog competition. Good luck! The leaderboard looks very exciting, not much in it!!


Today we are going to be looking at halves on a number line. Click the link below to find out about it.

Halves on a number line

You can copy the following task into your jotter.

counting in halves on a number line


Today I would like you to take out your snakes and ladders game that you made. When you land on any number can you write on your whiteboard or jotter the column value of that number and the quantity value of that number. Have fun!

Next week we are moving on to addition and subtraction strategies so before we do I would just like to recap something we did in class a little while ago. Remember we had a marble race and talked about the position you came in when finishing the race? These are called ordinal numbers. Click the power point below and answer the questions as you go.

If you have any toys or cars that can race you can discuss what place they finish in a race.

Practice writing 1st 2nd 3rd 4th etc. we use these terms when doing our calendar in the morning aswell.

ordinal numbers


I hope you have enjoyed up leveling your sentences and making them really interesting. Please take a look at the outline below and use this as a template when copying into your jotter.  You can choose one of your facts that you uplevelled to put into this format.

I have added an example below and your assessment tool so you know exactly what I am looking for with this piece of writing.

Fact File outline

Fact File example

Fact file assessment

Enjoy Mrs Webb 🙂

One thought on “Home Learning 22.01.21”

  1. What a super busy week of remote learning. I hope you are enjoying the on-line classroom now we seem to have sorted the problems with Vscene. Remember to send in your work to your teachers for feed back. You can also copy me in to and I can see all the amazing learning you have been doing
    keep up the good work- Mrs MacColl

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