Home Learning 11.01.21

We hope you have all had a good holiday and that you and your families are all staying safe and well.

We are so disappointed that we are not able to go back to school right now but Mrs Webb and I are going to work very hard to keep you all busy.

Our online learning is going to look a bit different this time. We will be posting activities the same as last time but we are planning to have live video calls and also pre recorded videos to explain new learning to you.

This week, Mrs Webb and I will be preparing packs of useful materials for you to use at home and will let you know when these are available to collect. We will also be in touch with details of our first live check-in.

We will be setting up learning journals for each child which will allow you to post work and communicate with us. Until this is ready, you can contact us by email.

Mrs Deans (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday)  eajulie.deans@glow.sch.uk

Mrs Webb (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) eacaroline.webb@glow.sch.uk

Here are your tasks for today:


This week we are going to do some revision of common words covered. Please make sure you can read and spell all of them. Make a note of the ones you are finding difficult and those are the ones you need to practise.

Stage 1 Active Literacy Word Wall


I have set new books for each group in your Bug Club accounts. Don’t forget, once you have read a book, it will move to ‘My Library’.

Your task for reading today is to answer the bugs on each page. Click on the bug and it will open up a question window. This is a really good way to develop different reading comprehension skills.

All groups have fiction books which are books with made up stories.

Ladybirds-  Bug Boy: Spider Camp

Glow-Worms-  Eco Apes Save Water

Spiders- Cat is Sleeping


We have done a small bit of work on repeating patterns when we worked on shape. This week we are looking at patterns in colour and shape and then will move onto number patterns.

This task can be drawn onto a piece of paper, you can mark it up on a screenshot or talk it through.

I can identify repeating patterns using simple colours and shapes

If you are able to access YouTube, there is a very good song and dance about patterns called ‘Banana Banana Meatball’. Try to create your own movement patterns.


It’s very important right now that we look after ourselves and each other when life is feeling very different. Take some time to think about how you are feeling and what things you like to do that make you feel good. Draw a picture of yourself (don’t forget the detail) doing something that makes you happy and try and send me a message to let me know how you are.


Usually on our first day back after Christmas, everyone is excited to talk about what they got for Christmas or what they did in the holidays. I’m hoping that we are all able to get together in a live meeting this week and get a good catch up with each other! I can’t wait to hear everyone’s news!

Mrs Deans 🙂