Monday 11th January Online Learning

Good morning everyone.

Welcome back…I hope you all had a lovely holiday and are ready for starting our online learning again this week.

It’s not the start to term 3 that any of us expected or wanted but we’ll make the best of it! It may look a little different from how we did online learning the last time so if there’s anything you’re not sure about, just ask.  Some of this is new to me too so we can work it out together 🙂

Most of your online work will be posted on this blog for now. Each morning I will post a word document with your tasks. You will have at least one literacy task, one numeracy task and one other activity every day. These tasks should be completed and emailed to me on Glow, if possible. I will have a look at your work and give you some feedback. If you cannot remember your login for Glow, please contact the school and someone will be able to give you your details. Remember that your Glow password should not be shared with anyone else.

Here are today’s tasks:

Links for today’s tasks:



Please don’t feel worried or stressed about online learning. Just try your best and do what you can.  If things get too much, you can always have a break and go back to it later. If you have any questions or are worried about anything at all, remember I am still here to help, just in a different way! Give me an email or comment on this post and I’ll do what I can to help. We’ve got this P5/6!

Miss Donnelly 🙂