Primary 1 homework – Monday 31st January

Please keep the homework pack at home to use when completing homework. This week’s focus is the following:

Please refer to your homework pack sheet for guidance on homework.
This week’s sounds:   b, u
This week’s common words: be, but, you

Purple Group Look Up, Look Down!

Read this book every night, practising sounding out the words and talking about the pictures.

Orange & Pink Groups I Want To Play This

This is a wordless text- practise telling the story to someone every night, talking about the pictures


Complete “Competition 31.1.22”

Scots’ poem Practise your Scots’ poem “The Wee Rid Motor”. We have a Burns competition coming up on 24th February .
The Wee Rid Motor

By Sandy Thomas Ross


In my wee rid motor,

I can gang for miles,

Up and doon the gairden,

through the lobby whiles.


Mony a bigger motor

gangs tae toons afaur.

Nane can gang whaur I gang

In my wee rid caur.