ECC Littlemill PS

Science – plant a seed

22/05/2020 by Mrs Brown | 0 comments

Hello everyone, today i thought we could plant apple seeds for our science experiment and watch to see which seeds will grow first, the ones in the fridge or the ones in the plant pot. What seeds will win the race.

Remember to water your seeds in the plant pot every few days

  1. You will need an apple, a knife, a piece of kitchen roll and a small pot and some soil

2.Half your apple and remove the seeds, keep your apple and see if you can turn it into ladybugs like the picture.

3.Put some of our seeds onto wet kitchen roll, wrap them up and place into a plastic bag then put into the fridge.

Leave them for a few weeks, then open up to see if any roots have grown. If so you can plant in a pot or straight into  your garden.

4.Fill a small pot with soil and push your remaining seeds into the pot. Water well and put on a sunny spot.

  1. look every few days when you water and see if your seeds have grown a shoot. When leaves start to appear, you can plant outside in your garden.

  2. Challenge, have a look at my ladybug picture and see if you can make your own with the two apple halves.

Have fun, keep smiling and enjoy eating your ladybugs once you have finished.

  1. Look in your garden and all around when you are out for a walk and see if you can spot any ladybugs or other     bugs, insects and creepy crawlies.


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