Photo Gallery

Here you will find pictures of our learning and what we get up to in P1F.
As we are very active and learn through exploring a picture tells a 1000 words, and this is definitely true in P1F.
Keep checking back to see all the exciting learning taking place in class.


This week in P1F

We were very lucky this week to get a visit from the mounted police on their horse!

We had soooooooooo much fun at sports day! Well done the winners and everyone who tried their best!


We had some extra fun time as we have been working so hard this week! We designed a farm and made a hospital with loose parts. It even has a helicopter pad!

We have been learning about the oo phoneme. We made oo words using hoola hoops!

This week in P1F

We have been learning about Fiction and Non-Fiction books and describing the key features of each. We worked in groups to decide if the books were fiction or non-fiction!

We have been learning about the Seasons! We read a book called Seren’s Seasons. We then created a plan for our writing by drawing something we do in each season. Here are some pictures of our planning. We can’t wait to write our stories next week.

This week in P1F

We have been learning about people who help us in the hospital. We made stethoscopes and learned about X-rays and created our own skeleton X-rays! Thank you to Owen who brought in a real stethoscope and blood pressure monitor.

We were so excited when we achieved 200 points on our dojo chart. We choose to have 30 minutes free play outside! We were playing football, drawing and learning how to jump along a hopscotch!

We were learning about materials that absorbed water with Mrs Advich! We loved investigating in the water trays!

This week in P1F

In PE over the past 3 weeks we have been learning about Athletics. We watched different events in the Olympics. This week we did stations using the different skills we have been learning. We were jogging, sprinting, over head throw, shot put throw and used the javelins.

We turned the home corner into a Police Station and we were learning about the different uniforms the police wear. We used the information to create our own police uniforms.

This week in P1F

This week we came back from lunch to a crime scene in our classroom! We used our detective skills to try and solve the crime!
We saw finger prints and a foot print!
We learned about finger prints and used our detective skills to decide which type of finger prints we had!

Our new phoneme this week was ng and we have been learning words with ng in it and also creating sentences with ng words in them.

More from this week!

We had PC Lynch into school this week to talk to us all about Road Safety! We were so excited as our new topic is People Who Help us and we wanted to learn about the Police!

We have been learning about coins and on Thursday we were learning how to add amounts!

We have been checking that we know all of our common words! We played lots of different games to help us remember!

We finished our Giraffe images by adding detail and creating a Jungle theme background using chalks!

Tuesday 27th April

We had a very busy day today! In Literacy we were recapping how to make a super sentence and building the skills to check our own work and give friends feedback!

In Numeracy we started out new topic! MONEY!!!!! We did black line drawings to find out what we know about money and then we explored coins and looked for similarities and differences.

We have also been reading “The Giraffe who Cant Dance”! We created a Giraffe using our fists and then painted it and have added detail once it was dry. We then watched the different types of dances the animals did and decided if they were slow, fast, difficult and some of us even tried to do them!!!! The classroom turned into a dance floor!

We were very excited to hear about Sophie’s caterpillars! She was so brave standing in front of the class telling us all about them and we can’t wait to see more photos!

Friday 23rd April

It was great to be back in class today and enjoying seeing everyone! I can’t believe how much you have all grown!
I asked pupils to go and write a sentence, they could write what ever they wanted but had to remember, capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop!!!! Here are some of their work! As you can imagine I was slightly flattered! 🙂




We have been developing our cutting skills and creating Dinosaur scenes.

We also went on a hunt around the class to find different dinosaurs and recorded our findings on a pictograph and tally chart.

Outdoor Learning at PE

We worked on keeping our balance and working on speed. We then used bean bags to work on our throwing and catching skills!

Home Learning week 5

Home Learning week 3 and 4


Home Learning Week 2

Thank you for all of your super work this week! I love to see all the different ways you are learning at home! Even if you go for a walk of learn a new skill send in your pictures and I will add them to next weeks work wall!

Home Learning Week 1

Some Excellent work that was completed during week 1 of home learning. I am very proud of all of you!

Another Super Dinosaur– click on the link to see

Santa’s Workshop

Our Classroom

As you do not get to come in and see the classroom we thought we would show you some of our wall displays and hopefully soon we will put up a video taking you on a tour.


Here are some of our IDL activities from the past few weeks.

The Gruffalo
We discussed the features of the Gruffalo and drew detailed drawings. We then wrote character descriptions about the Gruffalo.
Miss Flannagan was very proud of our writing.

We worked as a group to create a giant Gruffalo!
We discussed what a collage was and what different materials we could use to make the Gruffalo, Mouse, Fox, Owl and Snake.

This is the end result! Its even bigger than Mr Johnstone!


We discussed the features of the Gruffalo and drew detailed drawings with success criteria that we could not miss. We then gave our friends feedback to see if they had drawn the main features.
Can you guess what they are?
We also had lots of Gruffalos running about the classroom!

What the Ladybird Heard
We discussed the characters and what they look like and drew detailed drawings.

Room on the Broom
We discussed the Witches broom at the end of the story then we used our imagination to design amazing magnificent brooms of our dreams!

Health and Wellbeing

We have been discussing friendships and what it means to be a good friend.
We read and watched the story about the Rainbow fish.
We thought about what it meant to be a good friend and made our own Rainbow fish scales to add to a class Friendship Rainbow Fish.
We also discussed what it feels like to not have nice things said to you and how it makes you feel.
We now know that even though someone might look and act ok on the outside, inside they might be hurting and scared to ask for help. We showed this through saying nice things to an apple and then not nice things to another.
They looked the same but when we cut into them the one that we said all the nasty things too was all rotten and hurt. Just like we might feel inside.
We now know that if we feel sad we need to ask for help and tell someone and that we should not be saying nasty things to our friends.


These are some of our sound activities we have been doing this week to help us learn our sounds. We loved writing in glitter with CARROTS!!!!

We went a sound hunt around the school with Mr Clark. We found lots of words that begin with “c” and ticked them off our list then we had a go at writing them on the back.


Miss Flannagan challenged us to create images using Numicon.
We then worked with a friend to add up the total of all of the Numicon that we had used.


Expressive Arts

We have been learning about fireworks and watched videos of them from around the world.
We took lots of safety precautions this year and created blow art firework paintings.


Today we have been creating “Thinking it Through” posters!
We wrote down everything we know about addition in black pen and then at the end of the topic we will write down everything we have learned in bright colours! We can’t wait to see the difference!


Miss Flannagan is very proud that we have been using the writing table to write on our own. Some people wrote a story about fireworks today!

We have been learning to form our sounds in lots of different ways.
One of our favourites was writing in sprinkles with cones!

We have been learning to sound out different words using the sounds we have been learning.


Expressive Arts

We have been learning about the seasons changing and why leaves change colour. We investigated colour and created Autumn paintings using warm colours! We like to get messy in P1F!


We love to build in P1F. We have been building with Lego, Duplo and Loose parts.

Julia Donaldson

We have been reading “What the Ladybird Heard” and learning about Maps. We worked with a partner to create a map and show the journey you would take to get to the Prize Cow’s Shed!


In P1F we use Numicon to help us identify numbers, add, show patterns and discover relationships with numbers.

We love to discover numbers, how to make them and explore the Numeracy corner.

We have been learning to add using Ten Frames!

We love to learn all about numbers and being outside makes it more fun!

Halloween Fun in P1F
We had lots of fun for Halloween in class. We made some spooky ghosts and skeletons, carved pumpkins and even made witches potions explode!




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