
Numerator and Denominator

The denominator shows how many equal groups something is divided into and the numerator shows how many of the groups are being referred to.

Unit Fractions and Non-Unit Fractions

Unit Fractions
Non-Unit Fractions

Equivalent Fractions

The numerator and denominator can be multiplied or divided by the same amount to find equivalent fractions.

Tenths & Hundredths

With Tenths the whole has been split up into 10 smaller pieces. The denominator is 10. On the number line, Tenths are found one place value to the right of the decimal point. eg. 0.4

With Hundredths the whole has been split up into 100 smaller pieces. The denominator is 100. On the number line, Hundredths are found two places to the right of the decimal point. eg. 0.44


A percent is another way of showing fractions which have a denominator of 100 or hundredths. Percentages are shown using the percentage symbol ‘%‘. We can show fractions and decimal fractions as percentages.


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