The Polar Express

To kick off the final school week before Christmas, our class got to enjoy a Polar Express themed day. Have a look below to see what we got up to! 🚂❄️

Arriving at Platform 7


We arrived to our classroom this morning to discover that it had been transformed into the Polar Express. We were all very curious about what we would see inside!

We lined up outside just as you would at a regular train station, and we were given our own Polar Express Golden Ticket!

We got to wear our pyjamas to school today, just like the characters on the Polar Express. Thanks Ms Dougan! 😴

Our tickets had our names on them, our destination (The North Pole) and our seat number. We had great fun trying to find our seats ‘on the train’.

Boarding the Polar Express

We couldn’t believe it when we walked in and realised our whole classroom layout had changed…Our tables now looked like 2 train carriages!

 Getting in the Christmas spirit!

We then completed some Christmas themed literacy starters as our morning jobs to get us ready for the day.

Who knew they did maths on the Polar Express?!


We were all hired to work at the Polar Express Cafe. We had to complete customer orders and use addition strategies to figure out their total amounts in pounds and pence. Some of them ordered quite a lot of items but we were up to the challenge. P3b coffee shop anyone?

We also challenged ourselves to complete some tricky christmas themed word problems. Here is a very proud boy cheesing for a photo after some super mental calculations!

We also created our own hot chocolate mugs to show an addition sum using our place value knowledge. We had to partition a 3 digit addition sum into hundreds, tens and units calculations. Some of us even had to regroup into thousands. Super job!

A letter all the way from the North Pole

We never miss a chance to learn a new skill in our class. Here we are learning to write a letter to a family member telling them all about our day on the Polar Express. We worked really hard at understanding and following the layout of a letter.

We hope you enjoyed reading them at home and weren’t too jealous!

All aboard the 1pm train to the North Pole!

After a long day of working a day job, and writing home to our families, it was finally time to set off on our journey to the North Pole.

Just like in the movie, it was important for us to get our tickets punched by our fabulous conductor (Mr R!) to ensure we were ready for travel.

Hot chocolate anyone?

Our favourite scene in the movie was definitely where the characters got to drink hot chocolate on the train. It would have been rude not to enjoy one ourselves. We timed it perfectly so that we were served our warm drink at the same time as the characters!

Here we are enjoying the movie!

A surprise parcel…


After we finished watching the movie, we were shocked to find out that we had received a very special parcel all the way from the North Pole!

We opened it up to find a letter from Santa Claus himself. You could’ve heard our shocked screams and joyful laughs from all across Kilmarnock!

The first gift of Christmas…


At the end of the Polar Express, the boy receives the first gift of Christmas from Santa. He chooses to receive a jingle bell from Santa’s sleigh.

We couldn’t believe our eyes when we opened the package to find that Santa had gifted us all our very own jingle bells straight from his sleigh. We got to take them home to show our families!

We had a very special day today and we hope that you enjoyed finding out about our adventure!

Christmas Song

Please find attached the Christmas song we are learning in class. We would love it if you could practice at home to ensure we are confident for the performance.

Please use the QR codes below to access the lyrics, and YouTube video we have been using to practice.

Top Tip: we have been practicing with the song at 0.75x speed which can be changed in YouTube settings. Your child can help you with this!