All posts by Miss Hamilton

Expressive Arts Week 5 home link

This is our last Expressive Arts home link so let’s try and make it a goodie 🙂

Your job this week is to create a Christmas card and  bring it into the ECC by Friday 9th of December. Look out for a piece of card that your child will bring home. This can be decorated in any way you wish. Once we collect them back in and find out how many we have, we hope to deliver or post theses cards to elderly people in the village.

Thank you all for taking part over the last few weeks.

From Carrie xxx

Week 4

This week can you make a beautiful collage picture. Cut out pictures from any used magazines, newspapers or old birthday cards and stick them onto a piece of paper.  These can be uploaded to your learning journals by Friday 2nd December.

Next week is our last Christmassy home link.

Week 3

What an amazing effort you put in to create your musical instruments. They all looked fab!

WEEK 3 – Drawing Portraits

This week I would like it if you could draw a picture of each other. Can you sit opposite your child and draw a picture of their face. Have a discussion before you begin about the colour of eyes/ hair, shape of eyes and length of your hair etc. These wonderful pieces of art can be brought in by Friday 25th November. Thanks.

For next week’s challenge can you please start collecting any used newspapers, magazines or birthday cards.

Week 2

Thank you to everyone who sent in their videos to my emails. The children have loved watching each other. Sorry it didn’t work on learning journals.

This week’s challenge is nice and easy. Can you make your own musical instrument. This can be made from anything you can recycle and can be brought in by Friday 18th of November. The children can use them in our musical corner and we will have a marching band parade around the playrooms.

Here are some ideas