Total Communication

Communication is an essential part of everyday life and is also a fundamental human right. It is the primary means of conveying and accessing information, it is how we express our needs and wants and also how we discuss thoughts, feelings and build relationships. Communication is the basis of how we socially interact with others, but it is not just talking.

It is not uncommon for individuals who have additional needs to have communication difficulties therefore, it is important that they are supported to use alternative ways to communicate their messages and increase positive interactions with others.

Total Communication is an approach that is used in Hillside School with all pupils and combines a range of modes of communication methods including verbal, non-verbal and written in order to allow individuals with communication difficulties to communicate in a way which is appropriate and accessible to them. We use a combination of objects of reference, photographs, Boardmaker symbols, Makaton signs, written words and also AAC devices including switches daily to allow our learners to be exposed to as many modes of communication as possible. These can also be replicated at home.


  • Verbal – vocalisations and spoken words
  • Non-verbal – signing, gesture, facial expressions, use of photos, symbols and use of objects
  • Written – written words or drawings

For Total Communication to be effective, we must provide 3 important components –

  1.  We must identify and support preferred and appropriate means of communication,
  2.  We must motivate individuals to communicate and also provide a reason for them to communicate with us,
  3.  We must create lots of opportunities for individuals to practise communicating with us .

Communication is a 2-way process therefore, it will only be successful if we use the same language. It is important to note that  for some individuals, their primary modes of communication may differ in school from that at home and that is ok. This is the reason why we must practise a combined approach of the modes of communication across a range of environments as often as possible in order to maximise effectiveness.

In Hillside, we try to encourage as much as possible the use of total communication at home too in order to further support our learners communication development. This gives pupils different contexts to practise their communication skills and is even more pertinent during lockdown when they are not in school.

Here are some hints to encourage communication with your child.


If you would like more information regarding total communication or advice on how to help your child then please get in touch. You can also find information, advice and ideas from Speech and Language Therapy in East Ayrshire Facebook page.

Hillside has our named SALT Claire McPherson who is available for advice and can be contacted through the school and there is also a weekly helpline where you can speak to an experienced East Ayrshire SALT. Please see below for times and contact details.

Online links –