Hillside’s Big Bedtime Read

Bedtime Stories for Kids Ages 5 to 12 – HarperCollins UK

Hi everyone.

You may remember before school closed that we were organising an information session with Caroline Turtle from Speech and Language Therapy regarding the importance of reading with your child then launching Hillside’s Big Bedtime Read. Obviously this has not been able to happen however our current lock down situation is potentially a great time to start introducing more opportunities to read with your child and not only at bedtime!

Story time creates a safe, warm and special time that can bring a sense of calm to those involved and helps to strengthen bonds and relationships between parents and children.

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Be prepared – have a selection of books ready to read and any props you may need.
  • Get comfy – is everyone comfortable? Is there enough light? If your child is easily distracted then minimise the risk of this happening by putting things out of sight and make sure its quiet before you start. You might want to create a story den! This could be in a tent or on a bed or comfy chair, you may want to have loads of cushions and maybe a blanket.
  • Tell them what is happening – explain that it is time for a story and show them the book or use a story time song to prepare them. Click the link for a soothing story time song.      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZBIhPnjod0
  • Use funny voices and get into character – using different tones will spark interest and is good for sharing both voices and narration. Try switching from monotone to musical, and whispering can also be great fun as it feels like a secret.
  • Add movements or props – use toys and objects to encourage interest and exploration. Add movements and act out parts of the story. Make movements as big or small as you like and invite children to join in. Arms and legs can become a whole host of fantastic props! Use Makaton signs throughout if you can.
  • Make it interactive – involve your listeners. Ask them to repeat sentences or signs, add sound effects, count and name what they see or guess what’s coming next. Sing songs afterwards.
  • Allow exploration – let your child hold the book, turn the pages, point to the pictures and play with props.

The most important thing is don’t get stressed about reading every word or making it last a long time. You can make up your own stories and you don’t even need to have a book every time, you can tell a story using toys and your imagination or use online stories. Make it last as long as you like or as long as your child allows. It should be a positive experience so if they, or you, are not feeling it then wait until a more settled opportunity arises. It is all about spending time together, enjoying each others company and sharing space with each other.  Why not add it to your bedtime routine and try to regulate sleeping patterns as I am sure they are a little all over the place right now!

If anyone needs books then please get in touch through Facebook or the blog.

Have fun!


The Best Bedtime Books: The List in Full - Happy Beds Blog

Keep Calm and TACPAC!

Hi Everyone!                                                                                                                           I hope you are all doing ok and have been enjoying some of the lovely sunshine we’ve been having. If you are finding things a bit stressful staying at home every day you might find this useful.

TACPAC is an approach we use in school with many of our pupils and you might have heard about it if your child takes part in these sessions.

A TACPAC session lasts around half an hour and uses touch and music to create a structured session of sensory communication between two people. This helps to build communication and social interaction skills and can be really relaxing for some of our children and young people.

TACPAC have kindly made set 5 free for parents to use at this time.  There are also a series of short training videos on Facebook to help everyone get started and to get the best out of the sessions.  Parents should click the link below and at checkout add the code 8Q7A3TXS.

TACPAC set 5

Once done have a look at TACPAC on Facebook to watch the short videos.

Lots of our pupils love TACPAC so why not give it a go! Good Luck!

Hello Everyone! How are you all doing?

Hi everyone! How are you all doing? We are really missing you!  

Here’s a quote I love about rainbows and having hope for the future.

How about you send us some beautiful rainbows to cheer us all up and we will send you all a huge Hillside Hug in return!

You can use anything you want to make your rainbows then take a picture and send it to us and we will include it in our blog to share our love and hope.

You can send your rainbow pictures to me at the following email address:


Take care everyone and hope we see you very soon