Welcome Back

Hi Everyone,

I hope you all had a nice Easter and enjoyed some fun in the sunshine. I am hoping to post some little videos (as soon as the Facebook page is up and running) for you all which you can watch and join in with/complete, if you want to, of different PE related tasks and activities. However I want to stress that this is completely optional. We are all just doing what we can to get by just now and if trying to do the tasks/videos makes things more stressful then please don’t put yourself under any more pressure. Similarly if you find that some physical games and activities would be helpful to add into your day and you would like more material or ideas then please get in touch with myself via email, comments on the FB page or via the schools twitter.  I can send individualised videos and activities to suit the needs of your child or situation. This includes ideas for parents and other sibling to all join in together and make it a team effort. I can tailor this to the interests and hobbies of each family and/or pupil and it will aim to be simple, fun and light hearted.  The main goal is to stay connected with you all and our lovely Hillside family, anything else is a bonus xxxx