Welcome to Grange Academy!
This website is designed to give you an insight into our school, its aims and achievements. It will also provide you with information about the educational opportunities we offer your young person.
At the heart of everything we do here at Grange is our shared belief that each young person is unique and we aim to “Get It Right for Every Child”. We strive to nurture and support each young person in all aspects of their development – intellectual, social, physical and psychological as they grow to become the young adults they are fully capable of being. Each pupil is equally valued as we provide them with opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills, confidence, beliefs and values to meet the challenges of our ever changing world.
Through a positive classroom experience and the wide range of extra-curricular opportunities available to them, we are seeking to encourage our young people to take advantage of all learning opportunities open to them. Most importantly, we want them to enjoy their learning and have the motivation and determination to succeed in their chosen path in life. The curriculum we offer extends far beyond the walls of the classroom and we are always seeking to extend our partnerships with the wider community to enrich the learning opportunities of our young people. We want to work in partnership with you to ensure that together we develop young people who are fully equipped to make the most of their opportunities when they enter the world beyond school.
I look forward to working closely with you over the years ahead as we endeavour to make Grange Academy an excellent school in every respect.
Scott Robertson
Head of Grange Campus