Thursday 23rd April 2020

[8:51 AM] Mrs GriffithsThursday 23rd April 2020
Good morning everyone! Hope you are all good today?


Keep working on your Maths poster about saving and all your other assignments for this week.


I added a grammar assignment on Sumdog, where you have to choose the correct punctuation for the sentences. Please let me know if you are having difficulty finding these as Miss Caldow’s class were.

Remember to get your Summer pictures in for me to see and choose a Superstar for Mrs McKee.

Also, if your parents have Facebook then they can access a Mini First Aid course online for you to take part in if you’d like to?
Here’s the link:

Have a lovely day!

Also, we did manage to get a barbecue last night for dinner!

Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Good morning everyone! Hope you are all good today?

It was nice to see a few comments from some new people yesterday on Teams.
Still haven’t heard from a lot of you, please let me know how you are? Post on your Blog or email me if you can’t access Teams.

It’s to be really nice weather again today, so I hope you get to spend some time outside and have fun! Think we might be having a BBQ for dinner tonight, if Mr Griffiths gets it built up in time!! What will you do outside today?

Keep working on your art for Superstar this week and your other assignments if you haven’t completed them already.

I have set a few assignments today:


Isn’t it a coincidence that the week we start working on money it is also ‘National Teach your Kids to Save Day’ this Friday?  Perfect!  This week I would like you to have a chat with adults at home about the importance of saving money.  I would like you to create a poster or leaflet with three parts explaining what you have found out.  Part 1 should explain why it is important to save money.  Part 2 should explain ways that you yourself could start saving.  Part 3 should explain things that you might do with the money that you have saved.  Upload a picture of your finished work.


Spelling – Can you write the spelling words you found in the following ways: Normal, Rainbow Writing, Capitals and Cursive.

Have a lovely day!

Tuesday 21st April 2020

Good morning everyone. Hope you are all well. Haven’t heard from a few of you in a while, can you give me a little check in today so that I know you are all ok? Thank you!

You have Reading, writing, spelling and Sumdog challenges to keep you going today and I’ve also given you a few more assignments today. Remember to get outside and have fun in this lovely weather!

Numeracy – Money Recognition and Counting. Try to find out what’s in your piggy bank, purse or wallet! Can you put them into some kind of order to count? Revise your recognition of amounts and money. You could post a picture on Teams or your Blog, or email me it.

Follow this link to have a bit of fun doing a Harry Potter themed escape room:

Also, here is the little clip I made for the few people who wanted to take part:

It made me smile, hope it makes you smile too!


Monday 20th April 2020

Welcome back everyone! I hope you have all had a nice Easter break, although I’m sure it will have been very different!

Remember to get some exercise and enjoy this lovely weather. Get out into the garden if you can!

Today I have set you a few tasks but you can work away at these all week as they are not due in until Friday.


Sumdog – There are 2 challenges for you to complete and you can earn over 250 points. Remember to click hand in when you’ve completed them.


Reading – New Bug Club book has been allocated.

Spelling – Focus is on spelling rule this week, creating two lists for ‘i’ and ‘y’ words.  Letters ‘i’ and ‘y’ followed by a consonant usually mke the ‘i’ sound as in big or gym.

Spelling Rule 20.4.20

Personal Writing – Tell me all about your Easter Holidays, the best bits and the different parts. Did you have an Easter Egg hunt, a special family meal or a movie night during the holidays.

Superstar Focus – Art

This week I will be looking for you to create a nice Summer picture to help cheer me up. You can use paints, pencil, chalk, collage or anything else! Maybe you want to draw nice flowers or a garden scene. I like Van Gogh’s Sunflower picture as it makes me think of a nice warm summer’s day. I will need you to post a picture of it or email me your picture by Thursday night so I can select my Superstar on Friday morning. Look forward to seeing your designs!

Kindness Connect 4

Try to do four activities this week if you can!

Mexican Wave

Hopefully you will all want to get involved.

Olivia has had a great idea of creating a wee video clip of yourself doing a Mexican Wave. Then, I will collect all of your little clips and put them altogether for us to watch and see our friends over Easter! Sounds great fun! Just one raise of your hands would be enough I think?

I’m not sure what song I could use so I’m looking for suggestions.

Please upload your wee clip to Teams or email them to me at

Look forward to seeing all your wee faces!

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