Monday 18th May 2020

Good morning everyone! Hope you have all had a lovely weekend?

It was a bit wet yesterday, so we did some baking and watched a movie. What about you guys, what have you been up to over the weekend?

Today I have set a few assignments:


Spelling – ‘ou’ Phoneme
The phoneme ‘ow’ can make two sounds ‘ow’ as in ‘cow’ and ‘ow’ as in ‘crow’. This week we are focusing on the ‘ow’ phoneme as in ‘cow’. There are three ways of making the ‘ow’ phoneme this week: ‘ow’ (e.g cow), ‘ou’ (e.g. cloud) and ‘ough’ (this one can be tricky). Make three lists of words including these phonemes, you can look in books to help you if you wish. It can can be tricky choosing words that have the correct sound in them. Make sure all of your words have the same ‘ow’ sound as ‘cow’ in them somewhere.

Spelling ou Phoneme 18.5.20

Reading – Bug Club


The Mystery of the Spoiled Party Bags – You will have to use a mixture of your numeracy skills here to solve the problems. Good luck!

The Mystery of the Spoiled Party Bags

Don’t forget about Money Sense Mondays from Bank of Scotland!


As it’s Summertime, I have noticed a lot more bees in my garden. You can follow this video on how to draw a realistic bee or be creative on your own. Looking forward to seeing these bees!

Have a super day!

Thursday 14th May 2020

Morning everyone! Check in with me today and let me know how you’re getting on.

Mrs McKee has sent an email to your parents to let them know that this Friday 15th May is School Uniform Day . We’d like you to wear your uniform tomorrow to show you’re still part of our school community. I’ll be putting on my ‘school uniform’ too! Take a picture and put it on Teams or email it. My address is

Don’t forget to fill in the East Ayrshire council bullying questionnaire.

Please continue to work away at any tasks you have still to complete. I have set a few more today should you need them:


Sumdog – Multiplication Questions

Online Safety -Think You Know

Follow the link to watch a short clip about cyber safety and then maybe you can have a chat with your parents about some of the questions on the activity sheet, there is also a design a poster activity.

Have a lovely day!

Wednesday 13th May 2020

Good morning my lovely class! How are you all today?

Today I have set a few more assignments should you need them.


Today is National Numeracy Day 2020 so I’ve given you a link to some activities. You can choose to any of these and it helps raise awareness of the importance of numeracy in the world today

Health and Well Being

At school we had been learning about these various things such as:

Developing a knowledge of kitchen hygiene
Developing knowledge of food storage
Develop knowledge of personal hygiene
Understand the storage of different types of food
Identify areas for cleaning in a kitchen
Identify the correct sequence for hand washing
Identify a range of healthy food options to make a meal
Thinking about a healthy menus

Here’s a link for an interactive game to play to help you refresh your memory about these things. It looks fun! The school isn’t linked to the website, so just click on the school not on list button to play, you will be given a code so that you can revisit again as there are a lot of activities to do! Keep the code safe.

Cookin Castle –

Have a lovely day!

Monday 11th May 2020

Good morning everyone! I hope that you all had a lovely long weekend? Please check in with me and let me know how you all are and what you got up to?

It was Vhairi’s birthday yesterday and she turned 6! We had a little party for her with just the three of us! She was pleased some of her family left presents at the door for her and there were lots of video calls. It was certainly a different birthday!

I have set some assignments for today and like always the hand in date is Sunday. Please just do what you can.


You have been given a budget and instructions on what you need to buy for a family pizza night. Follow the instructions and see if you can make pizzas fro the family and stay within budget. Good luck!

Pizza NIght Budget

PE – Obstacle Course

This fun task actually covers many skills from different subjects. Be creative and make an obstacle course (outdoors where possible) which includes lots of different P.E. skills. It could including jumping over things, crawling under things, fitness stations, racquet/ball skills or anything else you can think of. Chalk lines to jump to and from or zig zag accross.
Add in some maths – use a stopwatch and record the time you take to complete the course. Run the course a few times. What was your best time? What is the difference between your fastest time and slowest time? Time the whole family running the course and compare your times.
Another literacy/maths task you could try is guiding someone in your family through you course using positional/directional language – blindfold them for an even bigger challenge. Be creative, the possibilities are endless. Please take some pictures and upload them if you can.


Spelling – Silent ‘e’ rule

Reading – A new Bug CLub book has been allocated for your group,

Writing – Instructional Writing linked to your obstacle course.
Please write a set of instructions for someone to follow your obstacle course. Remember to include a list of equipment that they will need, use imperative (bossy -put/make/jump) verbs, adverbs like slowly/carefully and state the steps that they need to follow as they work their way around your course. I have included a self assessment guide should you wish to go over your work and self assess, like we do in class. I’ve also added an imperative(bossy) word mat for help if you need it.

Self Assess Instructional Writing

Imperative Verb Mat

Have a great day!

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